The gold that the Karadjordjevic brought from Serbia to the United States is worth 2.7 billion! Alejandro looks for him back


The gold that was taken out of Yugoslavia at the beginning of World War II still exists, and the value of the treasure taken out then is around US $ 2.7 billion today. Part of the treasure is in the United States, more precisely, in New York, and the heir to the throne, Aleksandar Karađorđević, whose ancestors took out that wealth, persistently pressures the competent institutions in the USA to return it to him. treasure your family.

Who owns it: private or state

That is, as reported by Nedeljnik, this treasure is apparently in the United States Federal Reserve (FED) in New York, as evidenced by documents found in the United States Senate. However, as the document says, there is still a dilemma whether the gold is the personal property of the Karadjordjevic dynasty or is a state treasure, although it was thanks to Karadjordjevic’s secret search that it was discovered. That this treasure still exists in the United States today, Nedeljnik discovered from data on foreign lobbying in the United States, which is posted on the US Senate website. Thus, one of the lobbying documents shows that “Aleksandar Karadjordjevic, as legal heir, presented to the US authorities a request for private property that belonged to his ancestor, and which was entrusted to the US Federal Reserve Bank of New York for his custody during World War II. “

It is not yet known exactly how much the property amounts to, but it is known that 41,667 kilograms of gold, which was worth $ 46 million at the time, was exported from Serbia to the United States. Considering that an ounce of gold was worth $ 33.85 that year, and that this Monday it was worth $ 1,839.30 on world stock exchanges, the current value of the seized gold is exactly $ 2.7 billion. Although much of that gold was returned to Yugoslavia, a portion, Nedeljnik reveals, remained in the United States. Exactly how much of those 2.7 billion dollars in gold is demanded by Crown Prince Alexander today, it can be found out if the US authorities decide to reveal their decision on this request of the Serbian heir to the throne, writes this newspaper.

photo: Dado Đilas

Lobbying a colorful millionaire

He adds that it is interesting that heir to the throne Aleksandar Karadjordjevic and the royal family of Serbia do not pay for the current lobbying in the United States, but the costs of their interests are paid by a certain John J. Cafaro, a colorful billionaire from Ohio, who came to wealth thanks to his father. The development of shopping centers left a fortune of 800 million dollars.

Yesterday we couldn’t get a comment from the Karadjordjevic family on this occasion.

Momcilo Pavlovic

It’s probably state gold

Historian Momcilo Pavlovic tells Kurir that only the Karadjordjevic family can now know if it is his family’s gold, because they certainly have information about it, but he adds that it is most likely the gold of the then Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

– On the eve of World War II, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia withdrew its gold reserves on time and it is known exactly that it is in some American banks – says Pavlović.

He adds that some obligations were paid with the gold that was taken to the United States at that time, while after the war, everything related to that was regulated between the Yugoslav and American authorities.

Messenger / I. Ž.

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Author: delivery courier
