The leaders of the famous Zemun clan that devastated the Belgrade underground in the late 1990s and early 2000s were Dušan Spasojević, better known by the nickname Shiptar, as well as Mile Luković Kum.
Their “criminal empire” was destroyed on March 27, 2003, when their bodies were found in the courtyard of a house in Meljak. Only 15 days after the assassination of then Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, the then authorities were slow to respond to a criminal act that resonated both in Serbia and around the world.

On the fifteenth day after the murder, Spasojevic and Lukovic, according to the official version, were found in the courtyard of a weekend house in Meljak on March 27, 2003, around 8:40 p.m. They were suspected of participating in the organization of the assassination of former Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, who was assassinated on March 12 in front of the government building in Belgrade, and it is believed that the motive for their liquidation was to cover up the assassination.
According to a police statement, the two fired at members of the MUP and attacked them with hand grenades as they tried to escape. More precisely, members of the specialized police forces killed the main members of the Zemun gang after they offered armed resistance to the police during the attempted arrest.
An autopsy revealed heavy bleeding and scalp abrasions on Dušan Spasojević. These injuries could have been caused by being struck with a blunt object. However, it is not stated exactly what tools were used or under what circumstances they were created, so it remains a mystery whether they were liquidated at that location or elsewhere, while only their bodies were left in Meljak.
Former Belgrade Police Chief Marko Nicovic once said that during the escape after the assassination of the prime minister, the “citizens of Zemun” took large amounts of money, as well as that there were negotiations before the arrest.
“Those Zemun clan leaders took a lot of money to Meljak. Later, Dejan Milenković Bagzi, who escaped from the special forces during the arrest in Meljak, went to negotiate with the authorities to” buy back their heads. “However, they were misled.
The government took their cash and killed Spasojevic and Lukovic. And only the highest authorities could order that. The state was in a state of emergency at that time, so the police and justice ministers, Dusan Mihajlovic and Vladan Batic, were then able to order it, then the head of the BIA, and Cedomir Jovanovic also decided many things, “said Nicovic. in a previous interview.
That is to say, this is what the former head of the Belgrade police, Marko Nicovic, says, who explains that Mihajlovic was among several people at the top of the then government that ordered the liquidation of Shiptar and Kum. He also points out that previously the “Zemunci” were deprived of several million euros they owned.
According to some unofficial sources, Spasojevic and Lukovic were arrested in Meljak, tied up and brutally beaten during interrogation that lasted for some time. After it was over, they were both shot and their bodies thrown into the courtyard. Dušan Spasojević was 35 at the time of his death, while his godfather Mile Luković was 34.

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