The girl cried for her mother, she was afraid that they would leave her dead in the bathroom!



02.10.2020. 07:00

A boiler explosion in Čukarica injured 11 people, including three children.


Ambulance, Photo: Hello! / Masanori Yoshida

– At the time of the explosion, my daughter thought I was taking a shower and that I had been killed! My friends called me on the phone. They told me I was crying! In the end, they told me that the apartment we live in as tenants was totally destroyed, says VK (53) for “Alo!” .

– I only know that the explosion happened in the bathroom, but I still don’t know what exploded. After the shower, I went to work, and then a friend called me and said “don’t worry because the children are with her”. Nothing was clear to me… I thought it was a mistake, but soon other calls started coming in, and friends asked me if I was okay and how did I survive the explosion in the bathroom? – says the tenant surprised.

A terrible explosion and fire, which alarmed the occupants of the building, occurred yesterday, around six in the morning. The blast broke out in the third floor apartment and the fire spread to the fourth floor. Several apartments were destroyed and the tenants avoided human losses with their sobriety and solidarity. The firefighters and the ambulance reacted immediately. Three children, aged 7, 10 and 13, were transferred to the Institute for Mother and Child “Dr. Vukan Cupic” in New Belgrade, while their parents and other tenants, who inhaled the smoke, were treated at the Medical Academy Military.

The thermostat can be a time bomb

The electrician and plumber warn that the boiler should be checked as a precaution even when it is completely correct.

– Each boiler has double protection, thermostat and safety valve. The boiler thermostat serves to turn off the heating when the temperature is reached, but sometimes it “sticks” and fails.

– When the thermostat “sticks”, it is designed to automatically turn off, but it happens that it “hits” and continues to heat! In these situations, the safety valve must be activated and excess pressure released, more precisely to drain the water from the boiler.

– Safety valves must be replaced every two years. Thermostats should be inspected when descaling.

Our interlocutor, who was a tenant in the destroyed apartment with his daughter, assures that everything was fine until she went to work.

– After taking a shower, I went to work. My daughter and my godmother stayed in the apartment. My daughter is very shocked, especially since she initially thought I was in the bathroom at the time of the explosion. After alarming calls, I got out of the carriage, returned, and found my daughter scared on the street. She cried and called my name. She was relieved, like me, when we hugged. I really don’t know what happened… I know everything went out, and they say the boiler is in question. I’m waiting for the police to determine. Now I have yet to see what I will do and how I will proceed, a visibly upset woman told us.

Neighbors in the building say they were awakened by a crash and then heard calls for help. Soon the third and fourth floors were filled with smoke, so they took the most basic things and fled the building. VK’s first neighbor says one of the girls ran to her door, yelled for help, and everyone got out.

– I flew out and saw people yelling: “Help, help.”

– Someone was holding car tires on the terrace, it was burning and smoking for a long time – a tenant of this building told us.

Mališa Pavlović, the owner of the apartment where the explosion occurred, says the boiler was new.

– Neighbors told me the apartment was on fire. I’m from Ljig, but I went there right away. The boiler is new, it was bought a year and a half ago, I have a guarantee. The terrace apartment is 42 square meters. I think the wall that divides the room and the bathroom saved the girls – said Pavlović.

Tenants say there was no water in this building the day before the explosion and that it is unclear what caused the malfunction that caused the explosion and fire, with some even citing gas as the cause of the accident. The investigation is determining what exactly caused the explosion.
