The German shepherd Mića, with a sad look and a bent tail, constantly goes to the grave of his lover Živka! You will cry for what he does every day



21.09.2020. 20:56

German shepherd

German Shepherd, Photo: Shutterstock

Dog’s love for man is known to be one of the most sincere and purest, and we have had the opportunity to see and see it countless times.

Most of us watch and cry over the movie “Hachiko” about a dog who spent nine years after his owner’s death, waiting for him at the train station to return. The seasons passed, time … The dog grew old, but he kept waiting … And in the end he died there.

A similar story happened in our country, in Mataruška Banja, near Kraljevo.

We had the opportunity to speak with Dalibor, who shared an emotional story with us, which concerns his late mother Živka and the wolf Mića.

Do you agree with the statement: “Animals feel much more than we think”?

Dalibor told us that Mića trusted people from a young age, but that he had a very difficult period in his life as a child. He was neglected by the original owners, he had many wounds on his body, lice … Despite all the pain, he was tied up with a short chain, which weighed more than him.

As soon as he saw him in that state, Dalibor did not change his mind for an hour, he took him with him to have him for a while until he recovered. He believed, considering he already had a wolf at the time, that she and Mići would enjoy each other’s company, and unconsciously knew that he wanted to give her a safe home for the rest of her life.

Years full of love followed. Mica calmed down, came to life and became a real caress full of energy and eager for attention. The biggest culprit in all of this was Dalibor’s mother, Zivko, who, due to the nature of her work, due to being on the road for a few days, spent most of her time with dogs at home. She ranked first and foremost in Mici’s heart.

Just over two years ago, an unpleasant event happened in her family that shook everyone and changed their lives.

While Dalibor was on the road, his mother, who was home alone with the dogs at the time, fell awkwardly and injured herself. Three days passed while family members noticed that something was wrong and that Zivka did not respond. They rushed her to the hospital and she was very ill.

For the next three months, a woman came to visit Dalibor’s mother and dogs in those days when he was on the road, but unfortunately, Ms. Zivka was getting worse every day and soon passed away.

Shortly after this sad event, a she-wolf died. Dalibor took a new dog so Mića wouldn’t be alone, but it wasn’t worth it, writes Srbija Danas.

From a cheerful and playful dog, Mića became a sad-looking, withdrawn, reserved dog, with a bowed head and a bent tail, disinterested in the world around him. She became someone who suffered in her own way and someone who could not recover.

He does one thing every day though. He is constantly faithful to Dalibor when they go with his late mother. Dalibor told us that Mića was especially calm and restrained at the time and that she had her “special” place in the part of the grave where she always sat and did not move until they returned home.

Many locals got to know Mićo and Dalibor and their history, from which no one can remain indifferent with a lump in the throat, a clenched heart or a tear.

Two years have passed since the death of Ms. Zivka. Mica and Dalibor still have their rituals when going to the grave, and the love that the three had is immeasurable and indestructible, it just took another higher form.
