The Gendarmerie commander insulted the participants in the clean air protest


The initiative “Let’s not drown Belgrade” announced that it was shocked by the reaction of the commander of the special vehicles unit of the Gendarmerie, Ivan Damnjanovic, who called those gathered at the protest “For Safe Air” “unreal, evil, envious scum and jealous, “Damjanovic wrote on the initiative’s official Facebook page. Let’s drown Belgrade, “where the protest was broadcast live.

“In response to Damnjanovic’s comment, we asked the commander of the Gendarmerie special vehicles unit if the official can address the public in such an insulting way, and so far we have not received a response,” they said from the initiative.

They noted that it was not the first time that Damnjanovic had insulted the “Let’s not drown Belgrade” activists.

“We remind you that during Dobrica Veselinović’s public speech on the occasion of the sale of the Sava Center, Damnjanović, in his comments, called us mice and asked us to return to the hole,” they said in a statement.

They said they reacted in a similar way when they sent a public message to the “Movement for Justice” and the organization “Justice for David”, which stood in the local elections in Banja Luka.

“It’s just that we were ‘bottomless’ and ‘traitors’ to him then, and he talked about the family of the late David Dragicevic selling his son’s death,” they said from “Let’s not drown Belgrade.”

At today’s protest in the center of Belgrade, called by the Eco Guardia, a large number of people gathered demanding an urgent solution to the problem of air pollution.

“Regardless of whether someone is a police officer, a retiree, a progressive or an athlete, this problem affects us all equally. “Let’s not drown Belgrade supported the protest today, and we ourselves organized a large number of actions in the fight for clean air,” they said.
