The fountain was renovated before Brnabić’s arrival, now neglected and without water


Less than four months after the renovation of the fountain in Niška Banja, as part of the reconstruction of the main square, this symbol of the spa near Niš was neglected without water, and the paint that was used to fix it before the arrival of Prime Minister Ana Brnabić before the elections cracked and almost fell completely.

The president of this Nis municipality, Dušan Živković, ignored H1’s request for information on the motive, but previously confirmed that a “test liner” was placed on the fountain due to the arrival of Prime Minister Ana Brnabić in June.

Activist, civil engineer Danijel Dasic told H1 that such buildings are never painted and that the entire building must be returned to its original condition and then professionally renovated.

One thing is for sure, everything they painted will peel off and become colorful and ugly, whether in a week or a month. The biggest problem is that everything that has been done will have to be removed, cleaned, “sanded”. and restore it to its original state, as the architect envisioned 40 years ago, “said Danijel Dasic, civil engineer, NKD activist.
