The former director of the DB has a SPECIAL mission in jail


Radomir Markovic (74), former head of State Security, who is serving a 40-year sentence in “Zabela”, became a storekeeper and takes care of the clothes and bedding of the convicted persons. The 1990s Keeper of Secrets from the time of Slobodan Milosevic conscientiously carries out his work in the strictest Seventh Ward, which houses prisoners who committed the most serious crimes.

“Rade is in charge of listing blankets, hygiene items, as well as personal effects of the prisoners in the main warehouse, which they don’t always need. The prisoners also deliver plain clothes in the warehouse, and some leave their summer and winter things there so as not to disturb them during In the warehouse, Rade also takes care of technical devices, which are not allowed in the cells “, reveals the source” Hello! “.

Markovic is also in the Seventh Ward and has a roommate.

“There are about 150 prisoners in the Seventh Ward, so there is a lot of work in the warehouse,” the source said.

He rejected all settlements

Immediately after his arrest, the new government offered to speak with him, but without any consideration. Then he refused. The second time was done during the state of emergency and operation “Saber”, but the state showed no skill even then.

Prior to this engagement, Markovic oversaw the sewer system. The former head of the secret police previously controlled sewage within the prison walls, to prevent a possible escape attempt at the start.

“After 15 years in prison, he was removed from the census. But he must never leave the prison circle. He used to have a small garden in the prison and raised dogs and cats in a house. His wife Ivančica visits him regularly,” said before. a source from the prison.

Markovic was sentenced to 40 years in prison for the murder of four officials of the Serbian Renewal Movement in 1999 on the Ibar road, as well as for the attempted murder of Vuk Draskovic in Budva in 2000. In addition to this crime, the former chief Serbian secret police was found guilty of kidnapping and murder. Ivan Stambolic. Along with three other members of the DB, he was charged with the murder of the journalist and owner of the “Daily Telegraph”, Slavko Ćuruvija, but the trial started again. In the previous trial, he was sentenced to 30 years in prison for inciting murder.

As deputy prosecutor Milenko Mandic pointed out during closing arguments in the Curuvija murder trial, the order for the murder came “from the top of the government, while the jury was the entire government.”

Markovic was arrested on February 23, 2001. He spent the first six and a half months in solitary confinement in Central Prison. Meanwhile, in the trials that were accompanied by numerous problems and disagreements, even among the judges who participated in them, he was sentenced to a single maximum penalty of 40 years in prison for the aforementioned crimes. He maintained that he did not participate in them, but had no knowledge at the time they occurred.

He was the director of the DB for about two years. It was at the time of his leadership of the secret police that the crimes occurred, which were marked as political from the outset, although the list of liquidations that were somehow related to the DB is incomparably longer. He was appointed to that position in November 1998, but resigned on the day of the formation of the Serbian Government in late 2000.

Despite insufficiently convincing offers to talk about crimes and gain freedom for himself, he insisted he knew nothing about it. He was sentenced to 40 years in prison for ignorance, but he is still silent.

The cover of the book “Punishment without crime”, written and published by Markovic from the prison cell, says in a short biography:

“After the changes of October 5, 2000, the keeper of many secrets and an uncomfortable witness, he became a victim of the persecution of the new government.”

It is hard to understand, even more difficult to believe, that “the keeper of many secrets and an inconvenient witness”, as he presented himself, does not know anything important.

(, Danica Curuvija)

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Author: delivery courier
