26.10.2020. 17:42
The composition of this government shows that Aleksandar Vučić is an extremely dangerous opponent for anyone who tries to put up some of his ideas for the simple reason that if you think you can defeat him with more nationalism, you cannot, if you think you can defeat him with populism, no you may. He made an inclusive variant of the government – said the president of the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina Nenad Canak

Nenad Canak, Photo: Pink TV / Printscreen
He said as a guest on Happy TV that the new Government of Serbia, whose composition was announced yesterday, will have everything and anything, as well as that it is protected from attacks from various sides and will be attacked by various sides.
Comic to implement what the DS was supposed to do 20 years ago
Canak also noted that if he had been in a position to form a government, he would have proposed Gordana Comic to the same ministry for which Aleksandar Vucic proposed her. The LSV leader noted that he has known Čomić for a long time, since his high school days, and that she was the vice-president of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, when Canak was the speaker of this parliament.
– At that time, I also said in plenary – whoever worked with Goca Čomić, it will not be difficult for hell. It is educational physics and as such it observes everything as if it were a scalar, a vector and how much it is when it is measured with precision and everything is so precise with it. Those who graduated from Megadens faculties will not be able to follow that. It happens that I have information that she came to the talks about participating in the government with a written document on what she will do and said that I will have the opportunity to do this or not count on me – said Canak, adding that Comic surely will. progress on chapters 23 and 24, which are crucial for Serbia’s accession to the European Union.
– Personally, I think he is the ideal person for that, no matter what the government is like. Will anyone convince Goca Comic to deviate from their beliefs? Well, she did the DS, she was at that party for 30 years, they fired her because she kept defending what she defended for 30 years, you’re crazy. Now all of a sudden why is he in this government? Because they called her. Why didn’t anyone else call her to any other government? Because they know how difficult it is to work with her. Did you notice that there is no Goca Comic related issue? If it came to the helm of the Democratic Party in 2018, the DS would be what it was supposed to be today. However, since she was pursued for various interests, here you go. Now you will see how Gordana Comic will implement what the DS was supposed to do 20 years ago – emphasized Canak.
The LSV leader was outraged that Aleksandar Vulin was nominated for the Minister of Police, after he was Minister of Defense.
– Aleksandar Vulin is white darkness, serves to distract attention. The Force Ministries do not serve for someone to deal with complexes because they did not go to the army – Canak mentioned.
He added that the new Police Minister must have the first job of solving the problem of the inadequate application of the allocation of cheap apartments to the security forces, because, as he said, if the police do not believe in justice in their country, that country has no future.
Dialogue has a place in parliament
The President of the Assembly of Serbia is the second or third place in the country, it is an important place if you know what you are going to do with it. Ivica Dacic has been in the executive branch for a long time, we will see how it will be handled in the executive branch, Canak said, emphasizing that parliament is a place for dialogue and that he sees no reason for dialogue to take place elsewhere.
According to him, the parliament in Serbia is often ridiculed to diminish the role of parliamentarism and to make the parliament an earring of the executive power, which is an introduction to the dictatorship.
– Hitler affirmed that the parliament is a bastard and that parliamentary caterpillars live in it, circling, conspiring and doing nothing. You have that part in “Mein Kampf”. That is why I am a great defender of parliamentarism as a concept, but it must be the consequence of free elections, and for there to be free elections, you must have free media, freedom of expression and you must not have a crown – said Canak.
He pointed out that the June elections were held only to maintain constitutional order, to avoid a constitutional crisis by extending the mandate of this government, but that it has nothing to do with reality, and that real elections will be possible when the epidemic passes. crown.