The first SERBIAN RESPIRATOR made in record time: SEE what it looks like (VIDEO) | Society


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May 12, 2020 11:20 AM |

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Five models of respirators were made in record time, in about a month. The team of experts worked without a day off, between 10 and 15 hours a day.

Starting today, Serbia can boast of a nationally produced respirator. The RTS team had an exclusive opportunity to see what the first Serbian respirator looks and works like.

Five models of respirators were made in record time, in about a month. The team of experts worked without a day off, between 10 and 15 hours a day. The idea came from an electrical engineer at the “Mihajlo Pupin” Institute, Ognjen Ristic.

Tamara Tankosic’s conversation with Ognjen Ristic and Vladimir Nesic

Ristic explained to RTS how the device is used for mechanical ventilation of the lungs.

“If we looked at the device itself, we did it primarily to support all the modes supported by a modern device. We started with a prototype with a piston, where somewhere in the first third of the project we found that it couldn’t achieve adequate performance.” developed a prototype with proportional valves, “said Ristic.

He noted that the basic regimen in which the device works is volume control, and that the patient generally undergoes that regimen when sedated. The device also supports pressure control. There is also an assisted mode.

“In all of these situations, if the patient has not taken a sufficient number of breaths, the machine adds the appropriate breaths that they need. Also, additional non-invasive ventilation regimens have been performed,” said Ognjen Ristic.


The project’s lead engineer, Vladimir Nešić, said that a group of about ten engineers from the “Mihajlo Pupin” Institute, as well as people from “Smart Research”, worked on the respirator. He also thanked the companies that helped.

He says he follows the standard certification procedure and that after that procedure, Serbian respirators can be found in hospitals. He claims that the procedure takes about a year and that an expedited procedure is possible in a state of emergency.

Nesic noted that the devices are made very seriously and are of a very high quality, so they can fit with the world’s leading respirators.

When it comes to parts not produced in Serbia, they came into contact with special-purpose production, specifically the “First Five-Year Plan” and the “Lasted” part.

“We are trying to ensure that as many specific parts as possible are produced in Serbia,” said Nesic, reports RTS.
