The first protest meeting of citizens and members of the Assembly of Free Serbia (VIDEO) – Politics


The first protest meeting of citizens and members of the Assembly of Free Serbia (VIDEO) 1Photo: Screenshot / Facebook / Free Serbia Assembly

The president of the Association for the Protection of Constitutionality and Legality, Savo Manojlović, addressed the citizens and said that the Assembly of Free Serbia is an institution that was formed with the aim of restoring freedom and rights to all women. other institutions in the country.

“We have to defend three basic freedoms, and that is the basic idea of ​​the Assembly of Free Serbia.” We consider and want an independent judiciary, in which going to a judge means going to justice. We want freedom of the media and of thought, to fly with the freedom of our thoughts and we know that we cannot have freedom or rights until there is freedom of choice. We seek fair and free elections in which people propose ideas and differences, “said Manojlović.

Dušan Teodorović, a regular member of SANU, said that hundreds and thousands of people in Serbia have bogus diplomas who, as SNS staff, are employed in public companies and local self-government bodies. Therefore, according to him, the new policy is in contradiction with the existing one.

“A new Serbia must be built only with a new policy for babies in maternity wards, it must be built in classrooms, in amphitheaters and it must be built in puppet theaters, which will travel across the country of Serbia to the smallest village.” “Without education, science, culture and art, we are a dead country, a dead people,” Teodorovic said.

He added that there is a special responsibility of prosecutors, judges, lawyers, teachers, doctors, painters, writers, and asked if they are capable and willing and have the courage to fight for a different Serbia, for justice, freedom and for the benefit of Serbian citizens. .

Professor of the Faculty of Biology and Philosophy, Biljana Stojković, emphasized that the Assembly of Free Serbia is not a political party, but an institution that was created in a “state without a state, in a state governed by one person.”

“It is a gathering of all the people who have been impoverished, robbed and destroyed by this regime, all their human rights. This is a gathering of the last inhabitants of the devastated villages and landless farmers. This is a meeting of workers who work in diapers without pay, without labor rights, without protection. This is a gathering of doctors, teachers, architects, engineers, mechanics, builders, journalists, cultural workers who have been left without dignity in their profession, ”said Stojković.

Epidemiologist Zoran Radovanovic said that the Free Serbia Assembly upholds respect for the constitution, equality before the law, an independent judiciary, the right to information and all other basic rights “by which we are classified in Europe and elsewhere. the whole world as hybrids, antidemocratic, that is, autocratic societies ”.

Perica Velisavljevic, a peasant from Glog village, said that despite the fertile land, the Serbian peasant would not be able to survive.

“What happens?” Stole. I do not give. I don’t let them make fun of me. I don’t let them make a fool of me because I am neither a fool nor an idiot. I don’t give them my field, I don’t give them my village. I will not give you my Dragacevo, I will not give you my Serbia. And I won’t sit at home with my arms folded and my head down and watch my kids walk out the door and go to work, into the white world, because some bakabunda stole them and threw them out of here so they couldn’t live in their home “he said. Velisavljevic.

The lawyer Božo Prelević said, according to all the parameters of democracy in the back of Europe and the world, that this government is responsible for that, but also the previous ones who allowed it with their mistakes.

He added that Serbia is “awash with drugs and violence, businesses have disintegrated and it is impossible to make a living from the economy and agriculture.”

“No nation has achieved great happiness by crawling, nor have we,” Prelevic emphasized.

Cedomir Cupic, professor at the Faculty of Political Science, said that the Assembly of Free Serbia is a non-violent, non-institutional association of citizens whose legitimacy and legality are based on one of the achievements of democratic government: civil disobedience.

He mentioned as some of the basic objectives of the Assembly the liberation of citizens from the fear and darkness of the media, and the breakdown of feelings of powerlessness with regard to political life. Cupic attributed the blame for this sentiment among citizens to all authorities for the democratic changes.

“The Assembly will legislate that no one can again usurp their position in government and begin to annul the rule of law, that is, the rule of law, of their own free will,” said Cupic, who asked citizens, parties and associations join “in the struggle to establish values”.

Previously, the initial session of the Free Serbia Assembly was held in the Media Center, which was closed to the public.

The organs of the Assembly were elected at the session and Branislav Guta Grubački, founder of the organization “New Optimism”, was elected general coordinator.

The relevant councils of this organization were also elected, and Vida Petrović Škero was elected coordinator of the Council of State Administration and Justice, lawyer Božo Prelević for security, epidemiologist Zoran Radovanović for health and journalist Nedim Sejdinović was elected coordinator of the media council.

The Education and Science Council will be led by Academician Dušan Teodorović and Professor Oliver Tošković, the Culture Council will be led by the director Milica Kralj, the Architecture, Urban Planning and Transport Council will be led by the architect Dragoljub Bakić, the Council of International Relations will be headed by Vesna Petrović and the Human Rights Council will be coordinated by psychologist Dejan Bodroža and for agriculture Rodoljub Kubat.

Sava Manojlović, Biljana Stojković, Perica Velisavljević and Čedomir Čupić were also elected council members.

The Assembly of Free Serbia was symbolically formed in July, on the plateau near the Faculty of Philosophy, at the initiative of various intellectuals with the idea of ​​being an alternative body and aims to bring together all citizens who want to create a better Serbia and democratic.

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