The first city in Serbia to shorten the working hours of catering services until 9 pm


In Prokuplje, the decision was made today at the session of the city assembly to limit the working hours of the catering facilities to the period of 6:00 am to 9:00 pm

This also applies to the facilities for the organization of entertainment and leisure games, as well as gambling, was published on the website of the city.

The decision, as said, will stand during the emergency situation on the territory of the city, and was introduced to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

In the session it was said that any breach of that decision on strict working hours will be severely punished. On October 20, a state of emergency was declared in Prokuplje.

 Photo: georgi licovski / EPA;

A few days ago, the Association of Discotheques and Bars (NOB) requested the formation of a working group with the Government of Serbia and the participation of representatives of the association in the Crisis Staff sessions, because it considers that the new anti-epidemiological measures They “practically” prevent these catering facilities from operating indoors.

As announced, 16,000 people who come from bars and clubs will lose their jobs in the event of the implementation of new measures, and with a possible further reduction in working hours, 64,000 people are potentially in danger in catering, in Belgrade alone.

The association requested a no-bans return to state or, as noted, direct state assistance through a quick line of credit with the development fund, minimum wages for employees in the hospitality industry, and a moratorium on all expenses. : contributions, rentals in state and municipal premises, company fees for the period. there was no work, as well as in all other tax and parafiscal encumbrances.

It should be remembered that the Budva catering companies also protested.
