The firecracker completely blew off the developer’s hand! Doctors could do little



22.01.2021. 21:35


Ambulance, Photo:

When Kragujevac programmer Nikola Ćirković (33), fond of pyrotechnics, bought traditional firecrackers from the store at the end of December, he could not even dream that the New Year celebration would cost him serious injuries.

On January 1, after midnight, it was blown up by a firecracker explosion in the vicinity. He lost two fingers of his hand and another operation awaits him.

– My girlfriend, I and two other couples were in the apartment. I knew the “black widow” firecrackers were extremely strong, so I went out onto the terrace to throw them from the building onto the street, which was deserted. I was three. I threw one and it exploded in the street. When I set fire to the second and pushed it off the terrace, it somehow came back, exploded in midair and ripped the skin off my nose … But, due to the force of that blast, the third firecracker detonated on its own , and its fuse was not lit. It broke 12 inches from my fist and literally exploded, says Nikola Ćirković to his game.

The celebration turned into a cry of women and a struggle to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

– We called an ambulance, and when they saw my hand, they were in shock. Two fingers literally flew to pieces, there was nothing to wear to sew them. And the thumb and little finger were completely crooked. Complicated interventions followed, in a moment of their chaos around the crown. I was in the hospital for 20 days and another operation awaits me – says Nikola, who with his example wants to warn everyone about the danger of firecrackers, and whose hand will be 70 percent functional after recovery.
