16.12.2020. 14:20
“She complained about him, but I didn’t think something like that could happen.”

Investigation, police, Photo: Alo.rs
Vinko Milovanović (72), the father of Milena Prokić, who was killed yesterday by her ex-husband Sasa Prokić in the Aleksinac center, says that his daughter complained that her ex-husband was harassing her and that she had left home earlier because of to the beatings. However, she adds that she did not even think that something like this would happen and that Milena would suffer at the hands of her husband.
After the father of the murderer Sasa, the father of the murdered Milena also spoke.
“She complained about my husband. He was hitting all the time, but I don’t know why. He once came to see me with a child for a month. He said,” I don’t know what he left, we didn’t argue. “Well, she doesn’t know. I would go for no reason, ”says Vinko.
He adds that his daughter was a hard worker and did more work.

Sasha, Photo: Alo.rs
“She was diligent. She gets up in the morning, takes care of her grandson, milks the cows, goes to work, comes home from work and goes to mow and collect hay. She worked at the firm until her arm was injured. She complained about him, but I didn’t expect something like that to happen, “says Vinko.
Kraljevo residents say that Milena had a difficult childhood and hoped to get better when she got married.
“It was difficult for her growing up in a house without a roof, that her grandfather set fire to. When he got married, we thought he would be better off now and this is how it turned out. She was a hard-working woman and a woman “in her place.” He was also husband and wife, friend and sister, inside and outside the house, ”says a Kraljevo neighbor.
Milena’s colleagues from the “Gramer” factory say she was one of the best workers.
“She was a worker that could only be desired. One of the best. Nothing was difficult for her. She came to send directly from farm work and worked hard. No one believes she had another man and that is the reason for this tragedy. She just left to her husband because he could no longer bear his life because he transferred everything to her, ”says her colleague.