The father of the deceased Jovana, desperate, demands the maximum punishment


“They tried to come to the hospital every day. They told us that he (defendant MG) also had serious bodily injuries. The next day he came to the hospital, his parents also came, but he had nothing to talk about with them because my son was no longer They came, they passed, but I could not speak to any of them. It is necessary to stop all those children of arrogant parents and only because I am going to ask for the maximum punishment in court because other innocent children die because of those children, “begins Slaviša. . Petković, father of the late Jovana (25).

He was in a car accident on November 21, half an hour after midnight, when at the crossroads near the Boško Buha market on Nemanjić Boulevard in Niš, he hit MG (19), who was under the influence of alcohol. After multiple fractures and head injuries, he passed away on November 29.

Jovana was in her BMW car and headed for the green light to cross the intersection, and then MG apparently went to the red light at the stoplight and collided with her car. Even to make the accident worse, he hit the architect Jovana Petković at the driver’s door, that is, in this tragedy. She was there that night to take her friend and on the way home to an apartment near the Medical School, she suffered injuries from which she could not recover.

Slaviša says with tears in her eyes that now everything reminds her of her daughter. After returning from the cemetery, he says “we are consoled, but there is no consolation.” Jovana passed her master’s in architecture in mid-September and planned to get married and get a job. Life was before her.

“Not only does she deserve the maximum punishment in court, but everyone, let’s say a child, get drunk at the wheel and turn off an innocent life. She was having fun with a boy and we were hoping to have a wedding, which would be a real one. joy because he deserved so much more. ” so ambitious and hardworking, she loved a boyfriend and everything was wonderful, she had to get married and come to Austria where we live, a job awaited her, the boyfriend is a wonderful boyfriend, they are children who did not ask for much, nor did they demand, they knew how much they could have , but they lived harmoniously with everything they needed, we expected this situation to happen with kovid, so we scoffed, and then all the effort and faith disappeared because of the drunk driver “No one can understand how I feel except the one who experiences it God didn’t give it to anyone, “says Slavisa.

photo: private archive

He wonders if MG had the right to drive at 19, and at the same time, as he puts it, he was drunk.

“We have a younger son who also feels terrible. I think this boy (MG) is also having a hard time, but that arrogance in the streets must stop. Here, we have been waiting a little less than ten days for tests of his blood results and there isn’t yet. ” as if they questioned me I don’t know what. Well, how not to doubt everything. I ask you why there is so much waiting ”, the desperate man laments.

photo: private archive

The maximum penalty for a crime against safety in public transport is 12 years in prison.

Blood alcohol monitoring after the accident determined that MG had 1.1 per thousand blood alcohol. Jovana was buried on December 1 and her closest friends and family visit her grave.


After being detained for 48 hours, MG (19) was questioned today at the Superior Public Ministry, which issued an order to carry out an investigation against the accused Nislija, due to the existence of reasons to suspect that he committed a serious act against security of public traffic under art. 297 st. 2 in relation to art. 289 st. 1 of the Penal Code.

“Likewise, a proposal was presented to the Superior Court of Nis to order the arrest of the accused, in order to avoid influencing the witnesses, as well as the amount of the penalty threatened for said crime, the execution of which disturbed the public” said Borislav Radonjic, spokesman for the prosecution.

The judge of the preliminary proceedings of the High Court of Nis tonight ordered the detention for up to 30 days.


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Author: delivery courier
