The father of the Audi driver does not work nor has he ever worked in the Ministry of the Interior


NIS POLICE ANNOUNCED: Audi driver's father neither works nor has ever worked at the Home Office

Photo: Tanjug / Dimitrije Nikolić

NIS – The Nis Police Administration denied rumors about the tragedy that occurred on January 4, when NS (19) cut and killed a 12-year-old boy and Nishli, 48. Police claim that the suspect’s father never worked as a member of law enforcement, so he could not even be the chief of police, as some have said.

– For the sake of the veracity of informing the public, we highlight the following facts: The first lie: The father of the arrested AS works or worked in the Ministry of the Interior as head of the operative shift. It is true that the father of the detained AS is not and has never worked in the Ministry of the Interior, so he cannot be the shift manager. Another lie: suspect NS is 19 years old and is not entitled to a driver’s license. It is true that at the time of the accident, NS, had a regular driver’s license, which, according to the law, he obtained, like all those who completed their educational profile in high school – motor vehicle driver and passed the driving test. They are issued a probationary driver’s license for one year. Third lie: there were three people in the vehicle with the suspect at the time of the accident. It is true that in the car driven by the driver arrested at the time of the accident there were two minors, with whom the policemen had a conversation in the presence of their parents that night at the Police Administration premises in Nis, police said.

In their proclamation, they affirm as a fourth falsehood in the media that “the testimony of the fact was not heard.”

– It is true that the witness to the event, who was on the street during the tragic night, was not questioned because he was hospitalized that night, so it was not possible to have a conversation with him at that time. The fifth lie is that Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin and Police Director Vladimir Rebić arrived in Niš without warning immediately after the traffic accident to influence the outcome and cover up the case. It is true that Minister Vulin and Director Rebić visited the Police Administration in Niš on January 5 this year, after a previously announced working visit, where the working conditions and equipment of the police officers were discussed, as well as the results, in a meeting with the Chief and Heads of the Police Administration in Niš. work of this administration, it is affirmed from the police.

The Nis police acted in accordance with the law in the specific case, immediately detained the suspect and there was no cover-up of the case, nor did anyone influence his work.

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