The father died of the crown, and it is feared that the daughter-in-law will be infected in the ninth month of pregnancy


The two sons have a more serious clinical picture, but are stable. His mother, who is a nurse and is suspected of contracting the virus, has a mild clinical picture and is admitted to the infection room.

A well-known family from Vranje, who own a chain of fast food establishments, became infected with the crown and the head of the house passed away.

The father, mother and two children were placed in KC Nis, where the father passed away, and the daughter-in-law, who is in the ninth month of pregnancy, is suspected of being infected and may be sent from Vranje to Nis, as he has learned. Kurir.

– Doctors have been treating the Vranje family for days, who were sent to Nis due to their serious health condition. The oldest member of the family died Monday night, and his wife and two children, who have a more serious clinical picture, are stable for now. However, the wife of one of the children is in the ninth month, and now she is worried about everything, it was unofficially confirmed in KC Nis.

The virus is presumed to have been brought into the family by the deceased’s wife, who is a nurse in the infectious department of Vranje hospital. Her crown was confirmed first, so it is assumed that the family was not totally isolated from her. Later, her children were hospitalized, as well as her husband, who lost the battle with covid 19. The pregnant woman is fine so far.

Epidemiologists are intensively scrutinizing their contacts, because it is essential to isolate possible carriers of the virus. KC Nis doctors appeal to citizens to respect the measures, to be careful if they live in large families in the same house, because this is how the crown spreads more easily and faster. They warn that if they notice that any of the family members is infected, they should keep physical distance, wash their hands and respect self-isolation.

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Author: delivery courier
