02.09.2020. 13:37 – 02.09.2020. 13:45

Maternity in Aleksinac, Photo: Tanjug / Tanja Valič
Boris Savić, the mother’s husband (34) who died at the Niš Clinical Center on August 24 because she bled after giving birth, brought home his daughter Tara yesterday, as the baby was named after her wish to his older sister Jane (11). Jovana Kusmuk, Boris’s sister, took care of the child instead of Dragana’s mother, and Lalica Zlatković, Dragana’s mother, did not separate from the baby.
Dragana died after giving birth to a girl. According to the doctor that the baby was born in the thirty-fourth week, Boris denies and claims that Dragana’s due date was September 1.
– I was 38 weeks and six days pregnant … On Monday, I was in the hospital, I organized the girl’s recovery when they told me that I had to sign the medical documentation on Dragana’s death. When I saw that it was written that the pregnancy was 34 weeks, I refused to sign that paper, so they were forced to change this information in the documentation – says Boris, writes “Telegraf”.
He says the whole family was looking forward to the baby.
Do you think babies in maternity hospitals have been stolen in Serbia for decades?
“I lost a loved one, another one I brought home”
– What can I say? I lost a loved one and brought another home. My emotions are indescribable, the sight of a baby makes me the happiest man in the world and the awareness that I will never see Dragan again, the saddest. We count the days until Tara’s arrival home, I think the most impatient was Jana, who kept asking me when she would see her sister. We all gather around her, now she is the center of our world, the meaning of my life … We will try to compensate her for everything that her mother will not give her – says Boris.
Jovana and Lalica took turns by the baby’s crib, closely supervising the newborn who was sleeping peacefully, as if she knew she was finally among those who loved her the most.
– The sadness is indescribable, our Gaga no longer exists, but today, when Tara came to us, somehow it was easier for us. We were hoping to reunite them, but Gaga would never come home. It will be difficult for us to recover from such loss, but we must be strong for Tara, to try to make up for her mother’s love – says Jovana.

Boris Savić, Photo: facebook
“Dragana had a hunch …”
Dragana’s mother, Lalica, has a hard time getting over tears as she remembers her last meeting with her daughter.
– She had a feeling, she said: “I’m going to give birth, I won’t come home alive.” She repeated that and the last time I saw her, she came to pick up some things and at the farewell she said she felt she would never return. She was very afraid, she felt that something would happen to her at birth. She was worried about her words and yet she knew she was healthy, but she never had a headache – says the grieving mother.
He says he is very sorry not to have heard from him before his death.
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Look for a tragedy in the family in three years
The unhappy woman explains that Dragana’s death is the third that has befallen her in the last three years.
– My mother died, come on, she lived to be 85, but last year my two-month-old grandson passed away from my eldest daughter, and now Dragan. It will break my heart, and it hurts me especially that we have no answer to what happened to him – says Lalica.
The mother’s family is awaiting autopsy findings from the Institute of Forensic Medicine, which should solve the mystery of the young woman’s death. Bojan Lukić, the director of Nis GAK, said after the mother’s death that she came to the hospital healthy and that this whole picture was an enigma for them.
– It seemed that everything was going well with my mother, but two or three hours later we noticed a problem with blood clotting. We fought for her life all night, I was on that team of doctors, but sadly it ended badly. And it is an enigma to us why this happened. After the autopsy is completed, the professional work verification commission will give its opinion on everything that happened, Dr. Lukić said previously.