The families of the killed pilots were visited by the Minister of Defense and officials of the Serbian army.


The families of the two dead Serbian Air Force pilots were visited today by colleagues from the unit, Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin, Serbian Army Chief of Staff, General Milan Mojsilovic, Air Force Commander and Air Defense, Major General Dusko Zarkovic, Commander of the 204th Air Brigade Colonel Brane Krnjajic.

Major Dejan Krsnik and Captain First Class Zvonko Vasiljevic were killed in a MiG-21 plane crash in the Brasina village area near Mali Zvornik on Friday. The officials expressed their condolences to the families of the dead pilots and conveyed their condolences to President Aleksandar Vučić.

A statement from the Ministry of Defense states that “the Air Force lost two high-level, experienced pilots, good favorites in the team. They performed all the tasks in a responsible manner, loyal to their profession of officer and their people. They were part of our pride and it’s hard for us not to do it with you, not even in our defense machine. “

The accident, the statement said, “injured not only family and friends, but all members of the Ministry of Defense and the Army and citizens of Serbia who appreciate the day and night work and vigilance of Air Force pilots. “.

Minister Vulin and General Mojsilović told the families of the victims that the Serbian army would take care of them “as if it were their own, since it cares for everyone in the large group of people who have dedicated their lives to the homeland.
