The faculties open on May 15, the examination periods with all the protection measures


The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, due to different and in some situations misinterpretations in the public, and in relation to activities at the higher education level, reports:

• As part of the preparations for the continuation of the academic school year, higher education institutions will begin operating on May 15, 2020, regarding preventive measures.

• There are no plans to hold classic conferences, but to finish all online conferences in May.

• Higher education institutions are required, in accordance with the recommendations of the Serbian Institute of Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanović Batut”, that is, the general instructions for the application of preventive measures in universities / faculties, academies of studies vocational and colleges related to kovid 19, to organize the obligations of the students, so that they are present in a minimum number in higher education institutions and student residences, in order to guarantee the maintenance of social distance and the fulfillment of all other precautionary measures.

• In certain higher education institutions (medical, technical, natural mathematics …) it will be necessary to carry out practical / laboratory exercises, the dynamics of which will be defined by the higher education institution itself.

• All student dormitories are disinfected and ready to accept students in small quantities and in accordance with the recommendations related to kovid 19.

• The exam deadlines, starting with the April exam deadline, will be carried out with all protective measures. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development provided protection funds for higher education institutions and student residences.

• Representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development consulted with KONUS, KASSS, SKONUS, SKASSS about all the recommendations.
