Serbian President Aleksandar Vui said the excavation of the remains of the earth could not have been carried out without the knowledge and approval of the Serbian authorities.
Source: B92

Print Screen: TV First
He told reporters that he was proud to be the president of a country that does not, but also has no problem saying that no crime should be forgotten.
Vui said tonight that he asked to enter the territory of Kosovo and Metohija after the Kosovo Foreign Minister asked to go to Rak, but that it was agreed with the representatives of the European Union that such visits would not take place and that there would be no discussion. of them in public.
“Now, to make a great story, as well as about that lie that I threatened them with the Nagorno-Karabakh scenario, although they understood very well what it meant, they said that Vui is undesirable in Kosovo,” said the Serbian president.
Vui told reporters in Belgrade that the Kosovar Albanians, after mass graves were found near Raka, where the bodies of Albanians are believed to have wanted to send the foreign minister to Raka to, as he put it, “do some kind of politics there. ” ou “.
“We told them that it was absolutely inappropriate at this time, but if they wanted, I would go north first and in seven days I would excavate in the vicinity of Gjakova. After they sent us a letter, they sent them a letter,” Vui said.
He says an agreement was reached with the Europeans not to go anywhere, as well as not to talk about it in public, which the Albanians trampled on.
“So the people of Europe called and said that we should agree, that everything should calm down, that nobody should go anywhere, but we agreed not to talk about it in public, so as not to disturb the Serbian public, the Albanian public. They said that There was no problem, we have nothing to hide, we only want what we have given others the opportunity to have that right. And then they made public that they are very strong and intelligent because they forbade me to enter, “said Vui.
He adds that those who accuse him of a traitor are very happy about that in Serbia.
When asked to comment on Doje’s allegations that none of the Serbian officials paid attention to the news of the discovery of a mass grave near Raka, as well as Pristina’s decision that Vuiu was barred from entering Kosovo for that reason, Vui added that he did not want to comment on the brief. some foreign media because, he says, he is sometimes ashamed to read it.
Vui said he was proud to be president of a country that did not do so but had no trouble finding all the missing and that he could say that no crime should go unpunished and hidden.
He added that the remains of 15 people were not excavated near Raka without the knowledge and approval of the Serbian authorities.
Vui also explained that Belgrade in Brussels, when the issue of the disappeared was opened, said that it would advocate for the search for any terrestrial remains because it is an achievement of civilization, but also that they demanded that excavations be carried out in five places in Kosovo and especially in Metohija. , where Belgrade believes that there are Serbs buried, for Belgrade representatives to attend the excavation, but the Albanians, as he claims, did not accept.