THE EUROPEAN UNION COMBINES THE WORKS OF BOGOLJUB KARIĆ! Investigations into money flows and SECRET RELATIONS with Lukashenko are underway!


THE EUROPEAN UNION COMBINES THE WORKS OF BOGOLJUB KARIĆ!  Investigations into money flows and SECRET RELATIONS with Lukashenko are underway!


The Karić family company “Dana Holding” was the subject of an investigation by European countries due to its relationship and business with the president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, reported the Euobserver portal. Namely, the authorities are checking whether Bogoljub Karić’s company achieved business in Belarus thanks to its controversial relations with Lukashenko.

It has been announced that Lukashenko has family ties to at least two companies in Cyprus, while the EU is preparing an investigation into the flows of his money. These are two Cypriot companies, Eastleigh Trading and Dana Holding, owned by the Serbian Karic family.

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Who made it possible to get rich

Although the details of the investigation are not yet known, a better look at the businesses of these companies can easily lead to complicated financial ties between Nicosia and Minsk. That’s why European countries, including Cyprus, agreed on Monday to freeze Lukashenko’s funds if they find them. According to sources from Euobserver, in the future, European countries could extend sanctions to the affairs of tycoons that allowed the enrichment of the president of Belarus.

– The sanctions have a broad legal framework and could refer to literally thousands of names – says the source.

By the way, both companies “Eastley Trading” and “Dana Holding” are engaged in investment and real estate sales, and both are related to the daughter-in-law of President Lukashenko Lilia, who is married to her eldest son, Viktor.

The “Dana Holding” company is run by members of the Karić family: Nebojša and Bojan, sons of Bogoljub Karić, with whom Lukashenko has excellent ties. Besides Nebojsa, other members of the Karic family also participate in the work of the company “Dana Holding”, as shareholders, and among them are Danica Karic Stojilkovic, Jelena and Nadezda Lazarevic. Its total capital stock in shares amounts to 200,000 euros.

Luxury apartments in Minsk

In recent years, this company has won contracts for the construction of towers with luxury apartments in Minsk, and during the protest against Lukashenko, the company gave unconditional support to the President of Belarus. Although Karić denied it at the time, there is a document that can support the above claim. Development and investment expert Mahmud Bushatlija told Kurir that while the exact privileged position in this particular case is not yet known, there are a number of ways to obtain such status.

– In the US, for example, there are companies that are registered as if they were of interest to the state, even if they are private, thus, for example, in 2008, when many banks failed, those companies that were intermediaries in those businesses survived . because they were of interest to the state. There is also a benefit system everywhere in Europe, but the law just regulates it differently, he said. By the way, Lilia was appointed director of “Eastley Trading” by the former head of anti-corruption in the Belarusian Interior Ministry, Vyacheslav Dutkin, who fled the country. She claimed that she and the owner of the company, “Belarusian tycoon” Vladimir Peftijev, used the company for numerous frauds.

photo: Facebook screen

Mobtel, BK …

Peftiyev was included in the EU sanctions list in 2011 with the explanation that he was a key financial sponsor of the Lukashenko regime, while the director of “Eastley Trading” Lilia has an art gallery in a shopping center owned by the Karic’s company “Dana Holdings”.

Bogoljub Karić and his company BK became known to the Serbian public as the owners of the BK television and the Mobtel company. While the Karic still own the television, which is now broadcast on cable, Mobtel, once the largest telecommunications operator in Serbia, has not been owned by them for a long time. Let us remind you that Mobtel was created in 1994 by a contract between PTT Serbia and Braća Karić – BK Trade from Moscow. The Russian company was the majority owner, while the state owned 49 percent. However, in 2005, the government decided to revoke Mobtel’s license and area codes 061, 062 and 063, after Mobtel had reached an agreement with the Kosovo operator Mobikos without the knowledge of PTT Serbia. With more steps, the state became the owner of the majority package, which led to the regulation of the market and the creation of conditions for the arrival of the Norwegian Telenor and the Austrian VIP, as world-renowned companies. All of this has contributed to greater regulation and market growth in this sector.

photo: Print screen

NO COMMENTS They fell silent

Although we tried to contact Bogoljub and Dragomir Karić yesterday, both by phone calls and messages with specific questions about this case, none of them responded to our calls and messages until the conclusion of this number.

INFECTED IN MONTENEGRO Karići fell ill with a crown

Almost the entire Karić family is infected with the coronavirus, Kurir learned. As a well-informed source told our newspaper, Bogoljub and Milanka were infected with kovid 19 during their stay in Montenegro. While Bogoljub placed the crown on her feet, Milanka is in a slightly worse condition and in home isolation, where she is cared for by medical staff., Ivana Zigic

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Author: delivery courier
