THE EPIDEMIOLOGIST WITH EXPLAINS THE SUPERVISORY MEASURE: 50,000 entries are expected per week, vaccines generally provide about 50-60 percent protection


“He received a warning, but also the obligation to report to the kovid clinic. This does not mean that a person who comes home immediately reports to the kovid clinic. There are two places where he can report, and those are the network of health institutes public and the kovid clinic, and there is an electronic possibility, through a self-assessment test, that automatically sends the data to primary health care, “explained Kon.

As a guest on TV Pink, he said that it is understood that the person monitors his health for 10 days and that he has the obligation to go to the Kovid clinic for an examination if he has a fever or any problem.

“We must have these measures, not only for now, but also for the future, as there is a period of autumn and a period when the situation in any part of the world is possibly even worse,” Kon said.

Photo: VN Archive

Speaking of the corona virus vaccine, he claimed that the vaccines that are now visible are so-called “dead” vaccines, which generally provide around 50, 60 percent protection.

“We have resistance, mistrust and skepticism about the safety of the new vaccine, although all the best possible precautions have been taken so that years will pass before mass immunization begins. Vaccine availability is one thing, and massive use is quite another, without we will not see the application of the effects very soon, “said Kon.

He added that it is very important that we understand that and be aware that we are facing a disease that is very unpredictable.

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