The epidemiological situation in Vojvodina is extremely difficult with a tendency to worsen – Society


The Provincial Government Public Relations Office announced today that the epidemiological situation in Vojvodina can be characterized as “extremely difficult with a trend towards further deterioration.”

The epidemiological situation in Vojvodina is extremely difficult with a tendency to worsen 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / SASA DJORDJEVIC

As announced, according to information from the Vojvodina Public Health Institute, currently 15,651 active cases of coronavirus infection are registered in the province, while 1,335 patients are in hospital.

The most difficult situation is in Novi Sad due to the large number of patients with an extremely difficult clinical picture, the announcement states.

A part of the Vojvodina Lung Disease Institute in Sremska Kamenica became a covid center for the weekend and in just two days it was filled with two-thirds of the total capacity, so currently 74 patients are being treated in that institution.

“The number of new infected in Vojvodina is growing day by day, which overwhelms health workers, and the entire health system is tempted that the capacities of health institutions will be insufficient to receive all patients who they need help, “the statement warns.

It is added that an additional problem is that 681 health workers in Vojvodina are currently ill, so a large number of people do a lot of work.

The statement states that the situation in Zrenjanin is critical, where additional capacities are provided at the Melenci Special Rehabilitation Hospital, as the Special Hospital for Pulmonary Diseases and the Zrenjanin General Hospital are almost fully full.

The situation is critical in the district of South Banat, with the almost complete hospital capacity of the general hospitals in Pančevo and Vršac, as well as the Special Hospital for Pulmonary Diseases in Bela Crkva, and an increasing number of patients and hospitalized in Sremska Mitrovica, Kikinda, Subotica and Sombor general hospitals, it is written in the ad.

“For all this, we make a new appeal to the citizens of Vojvodina to behave with conscience and responsibility and to comply with all the precautionary measures and instructions of the professional health and epidemiology services.” Otherwise, the Vojvodina health system will not be able to help everyone who needs help, leading to unforeseeable consequences for each individual and society as a whole, ”the statement warns.

Today, the Municipal Headquarters for Emergency Situations in Novi Sad prohibited the gathering of more than five people in closed and open public spaces, with the mandatory physical distance of at least one and a half meters.

In all commercial and restaurant facilities, by decision of the Municipal Headquarters, the number of attendees is limited to one person for every four square meters.

From November 23 to December 7, it is forbidden to organize festivities, sports and other events on the territory of the city of Novi Sad, except for sports competitions without an audience.

The urban public transport company Novi Sad will organize public transport services in urban, suburban and interurban transport so that the capacity of parking spaces in the vehicle does not exceed 50 percent of the allowed number of parking spaces in the vehicle, as well as to increase the number of buses. in “spikes” of traffic.

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