The executive director of the Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CESID) Bojan Klacar said that the elections in Zajecar showed that the opposition with certain platforms and clearly recognized people could be an alternative to the SNS, but that he would not, like George Vukadinovic, We conclude that Zajecar’s result shows that the SNS rating is in a serious decline. Dragana Rasic, the holder of the electoral list “We can do better!”, Also says that when you take into account who of the officials paraded through Zajecar in the last month and a half, and how much money was invested in the campaign, she does not she is sure above all, expect such a result.
Klačar also told H1 that he would not draw far-reaching conclusions about how the results of Zaječar, Kosjerić and Preševo will affect the upcoming inter-party dialogue. “I would not draw far-reaching conclusions from those three electoral cycles.” I doubt that these results encourage or discourage inter-party dialogue. “These are important elections for local communities, but they do not have the potential to influence national electoral processes,” Klacar said.
He stressed that as something predominantly important after these local elections – he would highlight the need that arose during them, to order the electoral administration, to avoid the situation as it is now – that 19 hours after the elections it is impossible to obtain data and which it is the data by lists.
Klacar emphasized that he would not share the opinion of Vukadinovic, who said he believes that the local elections in Zajecar, where the SNS won about 20 percent fewer votes than in last year’s parliamentary elections, showed that the SNS is in serious trouble. slope.
The executive director of CESID says that the fact that the SNS, in relation to the parliamentary elections, won 2,000 fewer votes in Zajecar.
According to Klačar, that’s a slight drop when it comes to Zajecar.
He stressed that he “would not be free” to draw national conclusions from local elections.
However, he adds that Zajecar has shown that the SNS cannot obtain results as easily as in other municipalities. “It is obvious that Zajecar is not exactly a bastion of the SNS as other municipalities are.”
He added that these elections showed that citizens are willing to support clear opposition alternatives, but also how different the local dynamics should be in relation to national elections.

“Tense day, pressure on voters”
Dragana Rasic, professor of sociology at the Zajecar Institute and holder of the electoral list “We can do better!” He told H1 that according to the data on the list he leads from 50 seats in the local parliament, in the next call SNS obtained 24 seats, four SPS, while the list “Dr. Nenad Ristovic – Victoria” obtained 16 seats, “We can! Do it better! – Dragana Rasic four terms and a group of citizens “Zaokret” and “Dr. Nenad Krstić “.
Based on those results, he said he expects the SNS and SPS to likely form the government and have a narrow majority. “In this situation, I think the SNS is not entirely satisfied,” Rasic said, recalling that when they are, they are announcing pompous results of more than 50 percent of the public’s support.
Rasic also claimed that when you take into account who of the officials paraded through Zajecar in the last month and a half and how much money was invested in the campaign, she is not sure that the SNS expected such an outcome after all.
He announced that his list would continue to deal with the work of the opposition and pointed out that nothing related to what happened yesterday in Zajecar was unusual, that the day was hard and tense. “We witnessed a lot of SNS activists who stayed in our city,” Rasic said, noting that he had heard the statement from SNS official Darko Glisic on free movement. “It’s debatable that they had something like voter lists with them, and they went around town and rang the bell for the people, recording who went to the polls and who didn’t,” Rasic said, adding that fellow citizens who opposed were especially in danger. . open to all that and “with the question where did you get our data, how do you know who resides at this address”.
A large number of SNS activists were in the vicinity of the polling stations. “People called us and told us that vote buying was happening, everything that we were used to in the elections happened yesterday in Zajecar,” Rasic said.
“Political interest of both the government and the opposition for the inter-party dialogue to be successful”
Regarding the objections that the Prime Minister, the President and the Ministers were in the campaign of officials in Zajecar and Kosjeric, Bojan Klacar said that the appearance of officials in the campaign is not legally prohibited, but it is prohibited for the Prime Minister abuse resources. from his post for the game.
“Since we did not have an observation mission in these elections, I cannot say whether there was abuse or not,” says Klačar.
For the next inter-party dialogue, he says that he believes that there is a political interest from both the ruling party and the opposition for the dialogue to be successful, because that way the government could respond to criticism that there is not enough pluralism in Serbia. elections
“I am inclined to believe that some things will improve, but I am not inclined to believe that there will be radical improvements in the electoral process,” Klacar said, adding that the question was whether these changes would be enough for the opposition to change. your boycott decision.