Four Milikić and four Rvović are the last inhabitants of the Prijepolje village of Biskupići, only one of them is in his sixth decade and all the others are older.
Also, like when there were more than 200 in the village, raising cattle is the main job, and so they say, as long as they are standing.
Živorad, Milan, Milojko, Milica, four houses, half the people rejoiced at the arrival of passers-by: talking, laughing. They are used to harsh winters and dry summers at the foot of Zlatar. On the eve of the first snows, the woodshed, the barns and the pantries of the houses were filled, in which the children who were going for a better life also helped them.
– Down hard, up high, where are you going, when it blows, blows, when it falls, falls … The most beautiful thing is when summer and spring arrive, that’s when it blooms, when the birds sing – says Milica Milikić.

Živorad Rvović adds that he loves life in his hometown.
– Clean air here, good water, I work alone, used to it, nothing is dangerous for me, whoever comes is welcome. I play as much as I can, I have three cows, three calves. I don’t want to take them to the barn. I am afraid of cows and when they come, they put those feet, and they are afraid – adds Živorad.
Seventy-six-year-old Živorad is the youngest of all and often goes with the neighbors. First he goes to the oldest Milan, which at 94 still has the cow, for the milk, and the obligation gives it life, adds the old man.

– I have a garden downstairs, the garden costs me more to equip it than to take it out of the garden, but I have an obligation, you understand, I spend the whole summer in that garden, my time passes, I can’t go home, my house attacks me if I don’t I will go out – says Milan Rvović.
Nothing without work, Milojko agrees, watching the set as the Biskupići meadows, which her grandparents cleared, heal.

– Electricity and road are the worst for us, they don’t even clean in winter when it snows well, it’s hard to clean. We are thrown here. We hardly turn our heads – says Milojko Milikić.

That is why eight of them in the village, in six houses, defend themselves from loneliness with harmony, and their immunity is strengthened by the Iva herb, which they say gives life to the dead, rejoicing in every intentional person even in these bad times with the mandatory masks.

– I am used to company and we are used to leaders of song and joy and everything, but there is no such thing … Sometimes I sing alone, I go to eat cows and sing, ha – says Živorad Rvović.

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Author: delivery courier