
Photo: Beta / Milan Obradović
The director of the World Health Organization office for Serbia, Marijan Ivanuša, said this morning that if certain more restrictive measures are adopted today in the crisis staff session, their effect will be visible in a week or two, and for therefore he pointed out the importance of distance and wearing masks.
“If the measures are adopted today, we will see their results later. The numbers will grow in the next two weeks before the effects of the measures are seen,” Ivanusa said.
He added that people are confused at the time the measures are adopted and wonder why they have to respect the measures, they don’t go out, they don’t go to weddings, they celebrate and they don’t get together, and the numbers are still low.
As you said, it is difficult to find the right balance between taking action and the epidemiological situation, and people need to understand why action is needed, because if it is the opposite, they will not respect it.
“Physical distance must be provided, and if it is not possible to wear masks. This is repeated again, but when you see how people behave,” Ivanuša said.
As a reminder that there is a ban on gathering more than 30 people in one place, Ivanuša asked if it is respected enough.
“Why, after all, do we see some countries in Europe introducing curfews? So ‘closing life’ between 9pm and 6am is not easy for people either, you have to admit, but basic measures are not they are complicated, but very simple and not difficult to respect “. Ivanuša concluded.

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