
Photo: Shutterstock, private archive
The educator and owner of a private nursery in Umčari, JJ (51), who was arrested and tried on suspicion of causing burns to a thirteen-month-old girl on July 7, 2014, managed to evade justice!
As the girl’s lawyer, lawyer Slavka Babić, says for Kurir, on July 13, 2020, the Second Court of First Instance issued a decision suspending the proceedings against JJ due to the absolute obsolescence of criminal proceedings. The owner of the kindergarten, he claims, has not come to the trials for years and the court refused to try her in absentia.
Two crimes
– The accused was tried for two criminal acts: unauthorized activity and rendering a person defenseless. From the beginning, the defendant’s defense tried to obstruct the procedure and render the criminal prosecution obsolete. As an attorney for a minor in the past two years, I have addressed the court and the prosecution primarily with a proposal requesting a trial in the absence of the accused, as well as a proposal to order custody as a measure to ensure attendance at the main trial. An order against him has already been issued, but it was never carried out: lawyer Slavka Babić explains to Kurir why the court never rendered a verdict.

The girl’s family, as she says, has information that the teacher fled Serbia.
– The family of the aggrieved party has information that the accused is in America, I also informed the court about that. The family is legitimately dissatisfied with the actions, that is, the inaction of the court, adds Babić.
Damaged mother
I’m disappointed!
MV, the mother of the girl who was injured in kindergarten six years ago, tells Kurir that her daughter has no consequences, but that she is disappointed with the outcome of the court proceeding. – Thank God, the child is fine, but I can’t believe that something like this can become obsolete and end it like nothing. In the end, nothing for anyone. Those who could have taken legal measures did not lift a finger, despite the fact that he is a small child – says MV
As Kurir wrote, JJ suspected that she poured hot water on the boy and then put him to sleep as if nothing had happened. The mother noticed that the boy was injured when he arrived at kindergarten. As he told Kurir earlier, he found the child with burns, and the educator told him that “the baby has sensitive skin and the wounds are from the sun.”
She didn’t come to court
– The case was reported to the police, because it was determined that it was second degree burns. Six days later, the police arrested the teacher, and she defended herself by burning the boy while he was showering. However, the experts also refuted her claim, since they established that the girl was doused with hot water – explains the source and adds that the educator was detained for a time, but after being released to defend herself she stopped going to court.
Kurir.rs/Jelena Spasić / photo Private archive, Zorana Jevtić

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