The editor of Srbin.infa calls a protest in front of Happy Television – Society


Dejan Petar Zlatanović, editor-in-chief of the portal, called for a protest in front of the Happy Television building, on Aleksandra Dupčeka street in Zemun, on Friday, October 2 at 6 p.m.

Srbin.infa editor calls a protest in front of Happy TV 1

Zlatanović claims that TV Happy is trying to disable the work of the media house by blocking a video titled “Željko Mitrović and Peconi want to change the conscience of our people” on YouTube due to the alleged theft of copyright from TV Happy. Zlatanović claims that the recording is “material from the author of the production”, and that the reason TV Happy showed it as their own is that the meeting speaker, since the recording was made, spoke negatively about Predrag Ranković Peconi.

“I wonder what Peconi has to do with Happy TV. When you go to APR, you see that the publisher is MIlomir Marić and the authorized person is Aleksandra Krstić. And when you see who owns it on REM, it’s Channel 1 and Videogram Belgrade. In APR, Predrag Ranković Peconi does not own Kanal 1 or Videograd in APR, “Zlatanović said in a statement.

The Nibrs company, which owns, sent a “pre-lawsuit email” to Happy’s leaders, Zlatanović adds, stating that this “could be a blow to the regime” on because this media portal he is very critical of Aleksandar Vučić’s regime.

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