The DS faction verified the mandates, Lutovac – Lecic is an actor in Vucic’s play


One party, two currents and at least two presidents. While Branislav Lecic of the Electoral Assembly says he is the new chairman of the Democratic Party, Zoran Lutovac claims that Lecic is just an actor in a play directed by Aleksandar Vucic.

Applause for the new chairman of the Democratic Party or the chairman of the ousted Democrats.

A portion of the Democrats’ membership in the Electoral Assembly at the Sava Center confirmed the results of last week’s internal party elections, in which about 4,000 members of that party elected Branislav Lecic as the new president.

“The current regime, led by Aleksandar Vučić, finally got a real opponent, and that is the Democratic Party. It starts from scratch, and precisely because it starts from scratch, it will finish the job,” Lečić said.

Aleksandar Vučić’s ally, and not the opponent, claims the current Democratic Party chairman, Zoran Lutovac, and says that the “fake internal party elections” in the Democratic Party are part of a work led by the President of Serbia.

“Bransilav Lecic is an actor who plays in a play, as announced by the DS, tomorrow he can announce that the President of Serbia is in the room of the Zvezdara Theater to announce an election,” says Zoran Lutovac.

Precisely for calling the elections and violating the statute, according to which only the president of the party or the absolute majority of the members of the main board can call the elections, Lutovac expelled 53 democrats from the Democratic Party, among them some of the founders of the match.

“From that moment they stopped being interlocutors of what and how to proceed. From that moment they became people who do not respect their party. What they are doing has nothing to do with the Democratic Party. We will see if they form a new party, but no “. there is no connection with the DS ”, adds Lutovac.

The only one who can form a new party is former president Lutovac, says Branislav Lecic.

“If Lutovac denies that and forms some other bodies and committees in parallel, it is another party. The Democratic Party has finished its election. The president is behaving like someone who wants to stay alone in that imaginary party when he is expelled, that is his problem.” added. Lecic said.

Zoran Lutovac will have the opportunity to demonstrate whether he is alone or has a majority in the party in tomorrow’s session of the Board of the Democratic Party, in which, as announced, the change of the party’s Statute will be discussed, but also the report about the current president’s job.
