The driver (21) lost control and crashed into the protective fence of the bridge, UROŠ (16) DEAD ON THE SITE


DRIVING WITHOUT PERMISSION, THEN KILLING ANOTHER: The driver (21) lost control and crashed into the protective fence of the bridge, UROŠ (16) DIED ON THE PLACE

Photo: Courier, private archive

A young AA (21), who was seriously injured in a car accident in Belgrade yesterday, in which his friend Uroš Zdravković (16) died, was admitted to intensive care and doctors are fighting for his life.

Victim Uroš Zdravković
Victim Uroš Zdravkovićphoto: Private Archive

As we learned, AA (21), who was driving a “mini-morris” car in Most na Adi, suddenly crossed into the opposite lane and when the “dacia” crashed, he was driving someone else’s car, without a driver’s license.

Borrowed a car

– The accident occurred on Tuesday after 3 pm It was determined that the “mini-morris” was driven on a person who is not a member of the driver’s family, so it is presumed that the young man borrowed the car. Also, the traffic police were shocked when they determined that AA does not have a driver’s license, that is. that he did not take the driving test – says a source familiar with the case and adds that the victim Zdravković was a co-driver in the “mini-morris”.

traffic accident, bridge over Ada, racecourse
photo: Читалац Курира

– Uroš and AA were friends from the area. It is not known where they went on the fateful day, and they were moving from the direction of Banovo brdo towards Vojvode Mišića Boulevard. AA suddenly lost control and crossed into the opposite lane, hitting the protective fence, and then a “dacia” hit him and hit him sideways. The hit was right on the passenger side, so Uroš was killed on the spot, while AA was seriously injured. There are injuries to internal organs and multiple fractures – says the source and adds that the cause of the accident will be determined.

– The possibility that AA drove fast is not excluded, and since he has no experience, what happened happened – says the interlocutor of the investigation.


Answer signal

Milan Vujanić
photo: Beta

Road safety expert Milan Vujanic says that these two accidents, which happened in a short time, with a tragic outcome, are a signal for experts to review the situation on that stretch. – In the latter case, it is probably a human factor, but something must definitely be done. The procedure is for the experts to go out into the field and see what the problem is. We can agree that this part of the trail is not optimal and must be taken into account. In any case, it is necessary to send a team of experts who will decide whether the speed limit should be set at 50 per hour, including cameras, so that accidents do not occur – he said.

Identical accident

By the way, in the same place where the accident occurred the day before yesterday, a month and a half ago, an almost identical accident occurred, in which Aleksandar P. (19) from Belgrade lost his life.

– That accident happened on November 5. Alexander P. was driving a Renault Clio and passed from Banovo Brdo. At the identical spot on the Ada Bridge, after the bend, he crossed to the opposite lane and hit the protective fence; the source remembers and says that this part of the bridge is a black dot.

– There is a descent and drivers often collide with it, and then they encounter a curve and a slope. If you go faster than the limit and if the driver is inexperienced, it happens that the vehicle ends up in the opposite lane – said one of the drivers who travels that road every day, and when we found him at the scene of the tragedy the day before yesterday. Rafailović

Photo: JR, private archive

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
