The doctor who went through kovid 19 returned to work twice and became a gentleman


Dr. Marija Zdravković even had the coronavirus twice, and the second time, as she puts it, she didn’t even assume it was a covid.

“The second time I didn’t strictly follow all the protocols, I thought I had immunity, and it was another virus or fatigue. At work you are in constant contact with patients, you do not have work schedules, you are responsible for the patients, but also for the colleagues who work there. “Zdravković explained as a guest on” Belgrade Chronicle. “

She returned to work, as she had done the first time, as soon as she recovered and was sure that she would not be able to infect the people around her.

The disease shook her, but did not defeat her.

At one point, the entire family of Dr. Zdravković became infected with the crown, which took the life of his mother.

“My story is similar to other stories of health workers, many had great losses in their homes. I was scared when the children got sick, because I am first of all a mother, a man, and only then what do I do, but it was important don’t panic, “Zdravkovic said.

However, as he says, when you have obligations, when you are committed and you know that you have done your best, you realize that unfortunately you cannot cure some patients.

“There were older people who recovered and left the hospital, but also young people who we lost,” said Dr. Zdravkovic.

It is necessary to adhere to all recommendations, regardless of the number of infected people.

The health system is awake, said the director of KBC “Bežanijska kosa”, and ready for various scenarios.

“Today we know much more than in March, when the disease appeared. We apply the latest treatment protocols, which must be adapted to each patient, because not all drugs are adapted to all patients,” says Zdravković.

Patients should ask how they should be treated. Reactions to therapy are different and it is important to talk to patients and have complete information.

We must be accountable to others

Dr. Zdravković says that everyone has the right to think that we should not wear masks, but we should not endanger the health and lives of others.

“You should not think about others and that because you did not wear a mask you were putting their health and even their life in danger. They may not hurt you, but you can infect someone, and that someone or someone’s mother, brother, sister can be they get sick and even die. We are responsible not only for ourselves and our family, but also for the environment, which is a social responsibility, “said Dr. Zdravkovic.

He dedicated the knighthood to everyone in the healthcare system.

The most emotional moment for her was when the city of Pozarevac awarded her the knighthood.

“It was one of the strongest emotions, when I remembered all the good and bad times. I dedicated the title to everyone in the healthcare system who fought to save this nation. Serbia must and can fight this disease and we succeeded. To reduce the catastrophic consequences to a minimum, “concluded KBC director” Bežanijska kosa “Marija Zdravković for RTS.
