The doctor was fired because he told the truth about the situation at Kovid hospital, and then a call came “from above.”



23.12.2020. 15:00 – 23.12.2020. 16:11

Since July, I have risked my life in that hospital, there is no excuse for what they did to me


Photo: printscreen / twitter

“I am a doctor trained in conditions of war. I have been in the war, but this is much worse because there is no limit in this war. There is no date that I know that I am going home,” said Clivon Gilman, who was in the defensive line in New York. as he is working to receive an ambulance. In the spring, a new corona virus killed 20,000 New Yorkers. Now Gilman has moved to Arizona, which is a new hotspot.

Dr. Gilman has not stopped since the beginning of the pandemic. First in New York, now in Arizona, there is a total of 10 months without a break and a day off on the front line. In addition to rescuing people indirectly, in hospital, he uses the rest of the time to persuade people to respect epidemiological measures, but also to encourage local authorities to introduce measures such as the mandatory use of masks.

“When you spend months intubating patients, when you see your loved ones die and then you sit in the car and see a crowded gym, a full restaurant, a full cafe, it’s like you’ve been slapped,” says this doctor.

Gilman is very active on Facebook and Twitter, where he has nearly 100,000 followers and regularly communicates with people, educates them, and shares advice. He’s telling the uncompromising truth – he recently tweeted that there simply aren’t enough beds for all patients in Arizona, despite local government saying otherwise. He was fired, although there is a shortage of health personnel.

“It’s a shame they did. I have risked my life in that hospital since July, there is no excuse for what they did to me ”, says this doctor.

After the story of the firing reached the public, the public stood up. Even Oprah reacted. Following the scandal, the hospital where Gilman worked issued a statement that it was a “misunderstanding” and that he was not fired at all, but only “changed his work schedule.”

Since the start of the pandemic, Gilman has been recording the situation in hospitals on social media. After each shift, he would write a short post about everything: about patients struggling to breathe, about the gratitude of patients for giving them a glass of water. Of patients so poor that they did not have a subway ticket to get to the hospital, so they arrived too late.

Clevon wrote openly about everything, although he knew he would bear the consequences.

“I knew that doctors should treat people and take care of their own affairs, not interfere with the measures that are being taken, not count the equipment that hospitals have, not count the beds. The doctors who talked about that were often fired. Whatever happens, the public needs to know. “

Gilman’s commitment did not go unnoticed. In November, his phone rang; on the other side was Joe Biden.

“He spoke to me quite normally, we talked about Iraq, about the US response to the pandemic, about what else could be done, about masks, about the production of masks,” says Cleveon, who has now returned to work and says that it will. He keeps talking about everything that hospitals want to keep quiet.

“It is my duty to warn people. I will write about everything, I will report, because only then will people understand the severity of this virus,” he said.

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