THE DOCTOR NOTHING GROWS WARNING: This type of climate is not good for either the healthy or the sick.


When a colder wave turns into a warmer one, there are health problems in people who have neurological diseases, circulation problems, while the morning period is critical for asthmatics, says Matsura.

It points out that in these groups of patients there is fatigue, malaise and worsening of the disease. Even healthy people can be affected by such high temperatures in January “inappropriately”, which can lead to drowsiness, fatigue and nervousness.

– It is not advisable to spend a lot of time outdoors, because our adaptation system cannot yet “level” these temperature jumps, which will be up to 14 degrees – advises Matsura.

In the first two days of the new 2021, “sunny spring” is in Serbia, sunny and warm weather, with daily temperatures above 10 degrees.

Tomorrow Sunday is expected to be gradually cloudy, with occasional rain, in high mountains with snow, but still warm.

According to the weather forecast until January 10, it will be mostly cloudy, with occasional rain, snow in the higher mountainous areas, with the temperature gradually dropping, but still above average values.

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