THE “DOCTOR MASERATI” SHINE Prof. Belojevic assures that the ADULTERY is a time bomb to extend the crown, and also has a message for GENERAL SIMIC


No visit from the professor of the Belgrade School of Medicine, Dr. Goran Belojevic, can go unnoticed, not even this morning when he stated that “adultery is a time bomb for the spread of the virus.”

Dr. Belojevic said this morning as a guest on TV Happy that he believes the number of people infected with the corona virus will increase in the fall, marking socialization and adultery as the most dangerous factors for the spread of covid.

– There is one thing that nobody mentions, and that is the seventh commandment of God, which says “do not commit adultery” – said Dr. Belojevic, as a guest on the Happy TV morning program.

When asked by presenter Milomir Marić what coffee has to do with the crown, the professor emphasized that adultery is a “time bomb” to spread the virus corona and recommended that one should “stay with the partner.”

“It’s not about morality, it’s about life,” said Dr. Belojevic.

A man, he says, who has a mistress “appears to be in bomb danger.”

– It is a one hundred percent infection, because people are a little warmer there – says Dr. Beljevic.

In the subsequent conversation, host Milomir Marić states that “General Simić is currently in the greatest danger”, to which Belojević responds: “I think so.” (In the days before, the public learned about the love story between MUP General Dragiša Simić and singer Ljupka Stević, and we kept talking about it.)

Increase in number due to return of students to dormitories

Dr. Belojevic expects an increase in the number of infected in the fall, mainly due to the return of the students to their homes, when they begin to socialize more intensely.

Commenting on various celebrations, including weddings, Dr. Belojevic said that weddings are not a problem, but you need to wear masks and keep your distance.

According to him, the corona virus will last until the end of next year.

Among Dr. Belović’s recent notable visits is when he mentioned his Maserati.

Speaking about the fact that any contact with people is risky, Belojevic said:

– For example, this morning, when I left here with you, since my “Maserati” is being repaired, then I started my Serbian clearance and was wearing a mask – said the doctor this morning as a guest on RTS.

This is how the public knew him as “Doctor Maserati”.
