The Djilas SZS changed the board and Obradovic will go to the elections?


Dveri’s leader Boško Obradović is likely to go to the next election, and the main reason for that decision, which he should announce soon, is a big disagreement with Dragan Đilas, the leader of SZS, lately Kurir found out.

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According to our well-informed source, Obradović regretted having entered the boycott policy.

Let it go through the water

– Djilas and Obradovic have been in a difficult time lately. Obradović believes Dveri was deprived of the boycott decision, because he believes that he would pass a reduced threshold of three percent in the elections and enter the Assembly. He tossed it to Djilas several times. He complained that, due to the boycott, the movement ran out of parliamentary money, and that he was out of a job and on a good parliamentary salary for four years, then a paid department in Belgrade and other benefits. He said to Djilas: “Unlike me, you have nothing to lose. You have financial stability and you used us all. We decided on the boycott as donkeys.” Djilas was not too excited, he just let it go through the water – he reveals our source.

He adds that Obradović practically started the campaign his way.

Trojan horses

Sergej Trifunović also resigned from the boycott in advance, announcing that his PSG would go only to the parliamentary elections. According to our information, the “Let’s not drown Belgrade” movements and 1 in 5 million could join locally. – Although he publicly advocates a boycott, Djilas prepared his “Trojan horses”, especially at the bar. It is almost certain that through his close associate Marko Bastać, vice president of SAA, he will race for Stari grad and Vračar, but he will also control the numerous local movements and associations, says our source near SZS.

Yesterday, the SAA presidency decided to stay with the boycott, but Djilas admitted that there were those who wanted a different decision, mainly at the local level.

According to the Sabac and Paracin model, it is expected that certain parts of the SZS will be repackaged and still participate in the elections. Let us remind you that Together for Serbia leader Nebojsa Zelenovic and DS Vice President Sasa Paunovic violated the boycott to try to win another term in Sabac and Paracin.

Boycott list

The main obstacle for the DS to go to the polls is its leader Zoran Lutovac. As we have already announced, at the next session of the party’s Main Board, a vote of confidence must be cast in it, after which the project for a united DS will be quickly completed. – Boris Tadic was considered to be the owner of the list. New Party leader Zoran Zivkovic is ready to join it, explains our DS source.

Two days ago, Tadic launched the idea that part of the opposition make an electoral list for the boycott.

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Predrag Rajic of the Center for Social Stability recalls that elections are approaching and that decisions should crystallize. – Time is shortening, and it certainly is about low support options. Djilas’ goal is to stifle all opposition parties by creating a boycott dogma through his media, because he is aware that no one but himself can survive financially in the non-parliamentary state. Perhaps Obradović realized that, so he cancels obedience to its founder, Rajić concludes by Kurir.

Dragoljub Mićunović It is regrettable that the DS is silent on Obradović’s violence

One of the founders of the DS, Dragoljub Mićunović, believes that the leader of Dveri, Boško Obradović, is exercising violence in politics because he cannot create a program. As he emphasizes, it is especially unfortunate that the DS has not reacted to that: – It is unfortunate that part of the people who want to get involved in politics cannot do a program or do not understand, do not want or are afraid of the real controls. This is a wrong step from the beginning and all that leads to the situation that there is no progress and that our feet are leaden. I cannot understand that he thinks he will raise the rating, that he will be profitable, that he will bring him something and that the surveys will increase as well.

photo: Dragana Udovicic

The deputies DS and SDS in the UDS have already taken a step forward

The Democratic United Serbia, a coalition of Serbia 21, Vojvodina Front, LSV, SMS, was formed for the elections … By the way, Serbia 21 brought together, among others, opposition MPs who were against the boycott, such as Gordana Comic (DS), Nenad Konstantinović (SDS), Marko Đurišić (SDS), Vesna Marjanović (DS), Nataša Vucković (DS) …

photo: Marina Lopicic, Beta / Milos Miskov

Messenger / Silvija Slamnig, Ivana Kljajić

Photo: EPA / Andrej Cukić

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