The director of the Nis Gerontology Center is accused of the death of 51 proteges


COURT RETURNS AGREEMENT BY AMENDMENT: The director of the Gerontology Center in Nis is accused of the death of 51 PROTECTED PERSONS

Photo: Tanjug Printscreen, Beta Sasa Djordjevic

The High Court of Nis returned to the prosecution an amendment to the accusation against the director of the Gerontology Center of that city, Milan Stevanovic (47), accusing him of not taking measures to prevent the spread of the infection by Kovid-19 in that center , as a result of which 51 people died.

Court spokeswoman Irena Gušić specified to Tanjug that the court issued an order for the Niš High Prosecutor’s Office to issue an order to supplement the investigation because she believes that better clarification is needed to examine the merits of the accusation.

At the beginning of October, the Nis High Prosecutor’s Office filed an indictment against Stevanović, charging him with a serious crime against human health in connection with the crime of transmitting a contagious disease.

The court has returned that accusation to supplement it.

Stevanovic’s detention was extended on November 2 for another 30 days, since his arrest in mid-April.

The Prosecutor’s Office accuses Stevanovic of the aforementioned criminal offense against human health in relation to the crime of transmitting a contagious disease and for not taking measures to prevent the spread of the Kovid-19 infection at the Nis Gerontology Center.

As a result, 135 users of the service and four employees were infected at the center.

51 people died.

The crime for which he is charged is punishable by at least two to 12 years in prison.

At the hearing at the prosecutor’s office after the arrest, Stevanović denied his guilt.


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