05/13/2020 15:29

Stop, Photo: MUP
Members of the Ministry of the Interior in cooperation with the Special Department for the Suppression of Corruption of the Superior Prosecutor of Novi Sad and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, They arrested the person responsible for a laboratory in Belgrade, A.O. (1966), due to the existence of reasons to suspect that he committed the crime of bribery.
Due to the existence of reasons to suspect that they did it the crime of accepting bribes was also arrested by P. R. (1964), border veterinary inspector, M. S. (1960), sanitary inspector, as well as D. I. (1969), phytosanitary inspector.
A. O., is suspected he gave different amounts of money to the three suspects for taking bribes, totaling 878,870 dinars, so that they, in turn, would give preference to his laboratory by sending official samples when sending samples for food and product correction analysis industrial and raw materials.
The suspects were detained for up to 48 hours and will be taken to the competent prosecutor’s office, along with a criminal report.