The director of the Institute of Public Health advises: These fruits and vegetables kill the crown



17.12.2020. 07:00

The director of the Institute of Public Health in Kragujevac, Dr. Dragan Vasiljevic, together with regular daily reports on the number of people who were tested for coronavirus infection on the territory of the Sumadija district, began to give advice on a diet that increases immunity.

market, fruits, vegetables

market, fruits, vegetables, Photo:Đ.

And under the item “recommendations” were the following:

– As part of a proper diet, to strengthen immunity, it is necessary to take at least 400 grams of vegetables and 300 grams of fruits every day. Bring fruit as a snack. Of physical activities, it is necessary to introduce walking, at least three times a week (and more often it will not hurt, it is even desirable), half an hour and more (45 minutes, provided someone has time). Walking should be moderate, pleasant, sweaty. Recreational, not city streets. The walk for recreation and health should be done exclusively in nature, where there is a lot of vegetation (park, forest, etc.) or next to some great water (river, lake, sea). Why? Because there is an explosion of oxygen, negative ions and ozone under those conditions, which helps enormously to strengthen immunity – warns Dr. Vasiljevic in his recognizable style, with the motto “The crown must fall”.
