The Democratic Party excluded Milojicic, Bozovic, Milosavljevic and Lecic – Politika


The Democratic Party announced that due to violations of the party’s Statute and Code of Ethics, it expelled Radoslav Milojicic Kena, Slobodan Milosavljevic, Balsa Bozovic and Branislav Lecic from its membership.

The Democratic Party expelled Milojicic, Bozovic, Milosavljevic and Lecic 1Photo: Preentscreen RTV

Due to violations of the Statute and Code of Ethics of the Democratic Party, attempts to take over the party and misconduct, the Executive Board of the Democratic Party decided today on the disciplinary procedures initiated by the Party Ethics Committee and decided to expel Radoslav Milojicic Kena , Slobodan Milosavljevic, Balsa Bozovic and Branislav Lecic. of the Democratic Party ”, is affirmed in the announcement.

The statement explained that the Ethics Committee initiated a disciplinary process on July 9, 2020, against four leaders of the Democratic Party, who violated the Statute and Code of Ethics of the Democratic Party and thus damaged its reputation.

“Radoslav Milojicic Kena, Slobodan Milosavljevic, Balsa Bozovic and Branislav Lecic were the organizers of the attempt to take over the party in Madlenianum on June 21 this year, when they brought private security to the session, blocked the entrances to Madlenianum and finally started the interruption of the Main Board session, “he said. It is the information service of the Democratic Party.

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