The death of the mother in Nis remained an enigma, they tried to falsify the certificate in maternity!


At eight days old, the girl who was born with just over two kilograms, who was named Tara at the request of her older sister, left the maternity ward today. Boris came to pick up his daughter, accompanied by his eldest daughter Jane, as well as the closest relatives of his late wife.

photo: Курир / MS

– The baby is great, everything is fine, now it weighs 2,110 grams. The grandmothers and her sister will help take care of Tara – Boris said to Blic.

Boris says that eight days after Dragana’s death, they still don’t know what happened and all the circumstances under which Dragana passed away.

– She came out healthy and entitled to delivery, nothing bothered her, we corresponded until the last minute – Boris remembers the evening in which he had no idea that the worst news would be waiting for him in the morning and continues: Before we left , she said no. it was fine, it would show that there was some bleeding, it would have to have some symptoms. I can’t just say: a problem with blood clotting. Why did it go inside? What is the cause? From 2pm to 7pm, they had five hours to perform prepartum thrombosis tests, if that finding was not in the documentation. Or until 10 at night when he wrote me “there is blood everywhere around me”.

If a thrombosis finding was missing for some reason, they could have done it in the hospital. Again it is their fault. A living, healthy and missing woman. If only that document was missing, they could also verify it. They had to do additional tests before the birth – thinks Boris, commenting on the fact that the doctors said after his wife’s death that this whole case was an “egigma” for them. He says that they gave him a confirmation at the maternity hospital to sign that Dragana was born at 34, 35 weeks, which is not true, so he did not want to put his initials on such a document.

– It is the seventh, eighth month, and there are really complications during delivery. Dragani’s date was September 1, which is week 38, 39. I said I would not sign the birth to be in week 34 when that was not true. I can also bring documentation from the doctor who handled your pregnancy. Everything has been documented that the deadline was September 1. As I was persistent, they changed the certificate, so I just signed it – says Boris.

According to him, he will wait for the results of the autopsy, after which he will decide on further steps with his lawyer.

GAK Director Dr. Bojan Lukić said after Dragana’s passing that after the delivery, which went smoothly “except that it was four to five weeks before the due date,” her mother’s clotting system fell apart. weakened and suffered from ejaculation despite all measures taken.

Dr. Lukić said that they are awaiting the autopsy findings so that the committee of the Clinical Center for Verification of the Quality of Professional Work gives its opinion and that until then nothing more can be said. He said that the mother, according to all the findings, was healthy and that nothing came from her suffering from anything, especially bleeding disorders, and that for him too “it was an enigma what was happening.”

Dragana complained to her husband on the phone that she was covered in blood, but the family could not guess what would happen next, especially since she had been in the hospital all that time. In the end, the unfortunate woman practically bled out.

Photo illustration / Profimedia

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
