THE DAY OF THE BLACKEST CROWN IN SERBIA 700 people hospitalized today alone, doctors are making superhuman efforts to provide places for everyone, THE GOVERNMENT IS CONSIDERING A NEW SET OF MEASURES


Today is the worst day since the beginning of the epidemic, the highest number of infected and killed by kovida 19. On Tuesday, the application of stricter measures began. The director of “Trampoline”, Dr. Verica Jovanović, evaluated that it is necessary to stop the transmission of the virus in the community. The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Mirsad Đerlek, has a similar opinion, noting that the effects of the measures will be seen in 14 days, but that the figures will continue to grow in the next five to seven days. The Minister of Commerce, Tourism and Telecommunications, Tatjana Matić, points out that life after the pandemic in the business world will no longer be the same.

“Today, 700 people were hospitalized and 449 were discharged for home treatment. Today is the day with the most dangerous characteristics, which shows that it is a deadly disease against which we must take all measures. It is necessary to stop the transmission in the community, “said Jovanovic.

According to her, as far as the region and the EU are concerned, we are in a better situation, somewhere in the ranking of Romania, but with indicators showing that this number is growing.

“The current number of 5,613 positives and 5,200 people in treatment shows that the health system is struggling to the fullest,” Jovanovic said.

Djerlek: We are making superhuman efforts to provide places for patients

Dr. Mirsad Đerlek, Secretary of State for the Ministry of Health, stated that the epidemic breaks black records every day and notes that he believes this is not the largest number we have reached and expects that number to increase in the next five years. seven days.

“There are almost no places in Belgrade. The only places we can provide are to lay off patients and replace them with new ones. The epidemic has spread to the north of the country, to Sumadija. There is hardly any city that is not critical. We are doing it. superhuman efforts to provide places for patients. I hope that we can fulfill the task that is expected of us, “said Djerlek.

Mirsad Đerlek

Photo: Rade Prelić / Tanjug

Mirsad Đerlek

He believes that the results of more stringent measurements will certainly be in 14 days.

“We cannot guarantee that and say how positive the results will be. At this time, I would like to ask all citizens to demonstrate personal responsibility, to all contribute, to adhere to basic measures, because that is our only weapon in the fight against such a heinous disease. ” Đerlek pointed out.

The government is considering measures for the next cycle

The Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Tatjana Matić, said that the Government is considering the measures it will propose for the next cycle, but has done a lot in the sector of catering, tourism and small and medium-sized enterprises.

“It is estimated in Serbia that the loss in the tourism sector is around one billion euros. The government adopted a whole set of measures when the coup was the biggest. And that set of economic measures had an estimated effect of around 608.3 one billion dinars. There were also measures. which also referred to preserving the liquidity of small and medium-sized companies, “said Matic.

Tatjana Matić

Photo: G. Srdanov / RAS Serbia

Tatjana Matić

He adds that we also had special measures to help the hotel industry, some ten and a half million euros were given to those who were most threatened, up to 312 hotels received that help.

“Approximately three billion dinars were aid to the Development Fund travel agencies. These are not small funds allocated by the state. One of the Government’s priorities will be to reduce VAT from 20 to 10 percent for food in the catering facilities and a moratorium “For investment loans in the hotel sector, there is also a grant program for travel agencies of 150 million dinars, to obtain a license to work when it is almost impossible for them to organize business life normally “Matic said.

Key mask and personal protection

Dr. Djerlek affirms that we have to change the bad habits that can be the cause of infection, we do not have to go out every night to cafes or closed spaces where there are many people and we do not have to go to clubs and parties, weddings, where there are up to 300 people.

It points out that where we work, we ask the employer to provide personal protection and everything that follows, to have shorter working hours, to have fewer people in the workplace.

Dr. Jovanović states that people do not have to be health workers to know how to behave.

“The key is a mask, with which we protect ourselves and others, then a distance of up to two meters. If we are at a sufficient distance between the first interlocutor and if we wear a mask, the risk of transmitting the virus is very small. Contacts are key here, “stressed Jovanovic.

Tatjana Matić claims that certificates are being introduced to the world, and there will be many new things in tourism and catering, which will be the product of this pandemic.

“Life after kovida will not be the same, nor will the business environment behave the same. In activities where socialization is necessary, precautionary measures will be in force for a long time, and it is up to us to accept these measures as something common, “added Matic.

The situation of hospitals is a significant indicator

He points out that the indicator of the course of the epidemic is not only the number of positive cases, but the situation in hospitals is a significant indicator.

“If we have five thousand five hundred people in hospitals, we can estimate how many positive people there are in the territory of our country,” says Jovanović.

Dr. Mirsad Đerlek notes that crisis staff decisions are limited to 14 days and curfew is not being considered at this time.

“If valid measures are implemented, it means a curfew, but not in the official sense. If you don’t work after 9 pm, public transport has been abolished in Belgrade, contacts have been reduced to a minimum. Will it be resorted to? to stricter measures? ” “We’ll see,” Djerlek said.

He affirms that now the club virus has reached families and that there are more and more elderly people, and the clinical picture is increasingly difficult.

“I ask citizens to understand that we are all equally exposed and that the possibility of getting sick does not depend on age. Last night we had the death of a young man in Nis. We demand responsibility and discipline from all citizens of Serbia,” concluded Djerlek.
