The daughter asked a neighbor to check that the mother did not respond, she found herself in a pool of blood


The elderly Radinka Kostić (87) was murdered on the night of January 4-5 in the town of Recica near Požarevac. That night, Virinđel J. (36) attacked her and cut her neck with a knife.

As the neighbors of the murdered Radinka say for “Blic”, the old woman has lived alone in the house since the death of her husband, while the children visited her occasionally, and they certainly know her murderer “by a bad reputation” from before. .

– His daughter is married in Požarevac, while his son lives in Italy with his family. She was a very nice and normal woman, we did not go out, but we knew each other, we still live in the neighborhood – said her neighbor and added:

The arrest of Virginel J.

Photo: MUP / screenshot

The arrest of Virginel J.

– That Virgin did not have anything of good reputation. I heard that he had broken into houses and attacked women before, it was very strange, he liked to drink alcohol, we often saw him drunk. By the way, he worked here in the neighborhood when people pay him to do a job for money. Are you tidying up the yard, throwing garbage, stacking straw or something like that … – The neighbor declared.

According to the history of the residents of Recica, the suspect in the brutal murder of the old woman was not considered a “fine and cultured man”, but no one thought that he could commit such a cruel crime.

– He also liked to rob the town and break into people’s houses, but something like that … He seems to be drunk, he saw her alone, so who knows what went through his head when he did that … Terrible. .. – says a neighbor.

A neighbor found him in a pool of blood

One of her neighbors found a horrifying sight of an old woman murdered in a pool of blood, whom Radinka’s daughter called to verify what was going on with her mother, as she did not answer her phone.

– Your daughter does not come so often, especially now because of this situation with the corona virus, but the two were heard regularly. When she didn’t answer the phone, she called the first neighbor and asked him to come over to her to see what had happened: the neighbor’s story.

Then the most terrible thing happened …

– He saw Radnik lying in a pool of blood, and then he got scared and quickly ran out of the house, it was a shock to everyone – says our interlocutor.

By the way, Virđinel J. admitted that he killed Radinka Kostić and was ordered to be detained for up to 30 days. According to unofficial information, Virginel, a Serbian citizen of Romanian origin, said that he came to the old woman’s house with the intention of raping her on the night of January 4-5. Not wanting to fall into the hands of the monster, the old woman pushed him away from her and grabbed a knife with which she cut her arm. However, the suspect Virginel stole his gun and cut his stomach first and then his neck. He then fled the old woman’s house, and on Tuesday morning the body was found with numerous traces.

The criminal was found in less than 24 hours and, if proven guilty, could end up in decades in prison.
