The current commissioner is the only candidate, the NGO: the electoral process is not transparent


The Commission on Constitutional Affairs and Legislation decided to appoint Brankica Janković as the sole candidate for Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, who had served in that position in the previous term.

Anyone who wanted to complain about discrimination in Serbia since the end of May had no one. Due to the elections and the coronavirus, the ruling majority has only now turned to this issue. The SNS proposed that Brankica Janković obtain another term as Commissioner for the Protection of Equality.

Before the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Janković says his priority will be to resolve the complaints that have come in in the meantime, and then continue with what he did in previous years.

“It turned out that the biggest discrimination challenge against our citizens with disabilities is discrimination based on gender, and women file complaints in the majority of cases, followed by discrimination based on age, which has recently become very common. “says Brankica Janković. .

Sixty civil society organizations say that the electoral process is not transparent, because their candidate Emila Spasojevic was not invited to the conversation in the Serbian Assembly, even though they sent their candidacy to the deputies a few months ago.

“It does not matter at all if the candidate is Brankica Janković or Marko Marković, why was the candidate Emila Spasojević not invited for an interview? We have not received a response from any committee group at any time during these almost five months – no, we do not agree or yes, we agree with your proposal ”, says Ivana Stošić of one of the organizations that supported the candidate of the Rome Center for Democracy in Bujanovac.

The rules are clear, says the chairperson of the Constitutional Affairs Committee, Jelena Žarić Kovačević, only parliamentary groups can propose candidates. Responding to, as he said, “malicious complaints”, he claims that the board session was convened in accordance with procedure.

“The name of the candidate was not kept secret, as you know, it also has a law according to which a letter can be sent to the Assembly to be answered within 15 days, that is, copies of all the proposals received by that committee ”. says Žarić Kovačević.

N1: Yesterday we found out that this board will exist.

Žarić Kovačević: There it says that the commission was convened in silence, what was it supposed to do, pick up the loudspeaker and shout: I convened the Commission on Constitutional Affairs.

The old commissioner and the new one have all the possibilities, says that she would not mind having more candidates.

“It would be dishonest to say that this is now cause for regret. The situation is as it is, the parliamentarians have not proposed another candidate, but on the other hand it is ultimately a serious responsibility, I will not say burden, but the responsibility is much greater when it is a candidate, “Jankovic said.

The Commission sent the proposal for the election of the commissioner to the parliamentary procedure by urgent procedure, if the deputies accept it, the election of the commissioner could be in tomorrow’s session.
