Yesterday, Serbia again broke the black record: 2,677 infected in one day and 77 patients are already connected to a respirator. Belgrade once again exceeded 1,084 new cases, but Novi Sad and Kragujevac also surpassed 200. Epidemiologist Predrag Kon warned that the occupation of hospitals is critical and that patients from Belgrade will soon have to be admitted.
Nine people died in 24 hours and a total of 11,192 citizens were assessed. – The workload is huge and help is needed. We are in a situation where sick residents of Belgrade will have to be sent to hospitals in Serbia for treatment. Avoid crowds and places where you can get infected. Avoid and reduce contacts – Kon wrote on Facebook and recalled that weekends are the days when there are more frequent contacts and organized parties, which increases the chances of contagion, and that therefore extra precaution is necessary.

The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Đerlek, says that in Kovid clinics there are between 2,800 and 3,000 exams daily, and that the biggest problem is in Belgrade, and asked all citizens to refrain from making contacts during the next ten days.
– Repressive measures such as the state of emergency, the curfew are not the solution. This is a matter of conscience and self-awareness, personal control – Đerlek said for TV Prva. Kovid Hospital in Arena already has 360 patients, there is room for another 150, said the head of that hospital, Lieutenant Colonel Predrag Bogdanović for TV Prva, while KC Deputy Director Niš Radmilo Janković told RTS that, since the situation is getting complicated, and the Chair Hall with 190 seats since Monday to receive kovid patients.

Prof. Dr. Predrag Stevanović, head of KBC’s “Dragiša Mišović” Resuscitation and Anesthesiology Clinic, says that the second wave, the month of June, was hell, but that he couldn’t even imagine that it could be more difficult.
– Now we had terrible pressure from patients, there are many and you hear the sirens of the ambulances all the time. That work is so hard that, believe me, in my 35 years I have not worked with more difficult patients. We already know a lot about kovid, but it still amazes us, you can have a patient who is quite well and starts progressing to the disease in five minutes, he told RTS.
The crown is spreading
Kindergarten in Jagodina closed
The “Bambi” kindergarten in Jagodina was temporarily closed due to the crown because three educators were infected, the Infocentrala portal reported. The kindergarten recommended that parents do not take their children to other kindergartens to avoid spreading the virus. And the director of the preschool institution “Vukica Mitrović” in Leskovac, his deputy, as well as the secretary and the secretary of management of that institution, were initiated by the crown, as confirmed to Beti reliable sources. Among those infected are two educators and two cleaners, as well as a triage nurse, while there are no infected children.
Photo: Profimedia / Kristina Vasković

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