The crown is “wild” in Montenegro, and this is what Dr. Kon says when asked if there will be CLOSING THE BORDERS AGAIN


Yes, Montenegro is “burning”. This time it is not about an election, it is not about forming a government, but about something much more serious, the coronavirus epidemic here is at its peak. Door-to-door with Montenegro is Serbia, currently the only “oasis” in the region that has somehow overcome the horror of the second peak. Are we in danger again from the first neighbor?

Or better yet, will the borders be closed again? According to members of the crisis staff, the situation in Montenegro is being monitored.

– I want our neighbors to get out of this situation as soon as possible, to recover, and the only way is to respect the measures – explains the epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Staff Predrag Kon for “Blic”.

Predrag KonPhoto: Tara Radovanović / Tanjug

Predrag Kon

He points out that the situation is not the same everywhere when it comes to spreading the corona with the virus in this country, and that on the coast where the majority of our citizens are, the corona is not as present as in some cities of the coast.

– Our citizens who are in Montenegro are fully aware of the danger and I am sure that the prescribed measures are protected and respected – he said.

Asked whether he is considering closing the borders with this country and other countries in the region where the coronavirus is on the rise, our epidemiologist said that the measures that now exist will remain in force.

– We have and carry out active surveillance for our citizens returning from endangered areas, while a negative PCR test is mandatory for foreigners when entering our country, these are good measures – noted Kon.

According to the latest data from yesterday, there were up to 296 infected coronaviruses and 8 deaths in Montenegro. The situation is much more dramatic if we remember that the figures in our country at that level were alarming and Serbia has ten times more inhabitants than our neighbors.

Montenegro corona virusPhoto: Boris Pejović / EPA;

Montenegro corona virus

And just to better illustrate the seriousness of the situation, we can use the well-known “Kon coefficient”.

That is, the percentage that we name in honor of our epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon, because he often pointed it out as a very important number since the beginning of the epidemic, and that represents the reason for the number of new and examined patients, should not exceed of 0.5, and in Montenegro it is currently as high as 39.5!

Such a number has not been recorded in our country even in the darkest days.

For the sake of comparison, based on the most recent data, 6,814 were tested in Serbia. while 61 new infected people were registered, which gives us a “Konov coefficient” of 0.89.

When the highest number of deaths was recorded in our country (18), the number of newly infected was 386, while 8,646 were tested, and the “Kon coefficient” was 4.46, which again is much lower than the last cut in Montenegro.

We note once again that for the epidemiological situation to be marked as stable, this number must be less than 0.5, while any value greater than 5 is marked as “alarming”.

They do not expect a decline in the next few days

The drop in the number of people infected with the crown is also not expected in the coming days, they said at the Montenegrin Institute of Public Health.

IPH epidemiologist Dr. Božidarka Rakočević said that the number of people infected by the coronavirus is not expected to decrease in the coming days, because, as she points out, the measures are not respected.

– These data show how we have behaved in the last seven to 10 days, and we can all see that the measures are not respected, that masks are not worn, that social gatherings, weddings, private celebrations are held, that there are a large number of people in catering facilities. It’s all a reflection
