The crown is wild in Belgrade, in 5 more cities the numbers are in three digits


According to the latest data, 1,397 new cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in Belgrade, out of a total of 4,668 new infected.

In second place is Nis with 334, the third is Novi Sad with 213 new infected, while the fourth is Kragujevac, where 144 more new infected are registered.

Kraljevo with 115 and Vranje with 109 new infected are also in three figures.

In other places in Serbia, the numbers are two digits long.

Pancevo 99

Krusevac 79

Paracin 78

Uzice 68

Subotica 67

Aleksinac 62

Smederevo 59

Novi Pazar 52

Kikinda 50

Stara Pazova 45

Parish 40

Čačak and Šabac 37 each

Valjevo and Trstenik 36 each

Backa Palanka 35

Loznica and Prokuplje 33 each

Leskovac in Srensja Mitrovica 32

Bor 31

In the previous 24 hours, 16,831 citizens were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, of whom 4,668 were recently infected.

Unfortunately, 26 patients died. There are currently 208 patients on ventilators in Serbian hospitals.


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