THE CROWN ENTRY INTO THE NOSE: Loss of the sense of smell is a good sign, doctors say, because patients have a milder clinical picture.


When it comes to people who have experienced loss of sense of taste and smell, and have tested positive for antibodies, this indicates a mild and therefore unrecognized corona infection.

– In practice, it has been shown that people who have problems with smell and taste have clearer clinical pictures. This symptom generally occurs in younger people. The problem of smell is more common, because the sense of taste returns faster. We also had young people who, after regaining their sense of taste and smell, had a stench sensation, and there were also patients who could not eat anything because of that. However, that is transitory, but sometimes it takes two to three months for the patient to fully recover, said Dr. Galina Joković, an otolaryngologist at the “Dragiša Mišović” Clinical Hospital, which is in the covid system.

The doctor explained that the crown enters the nose and sticks to the fragrant part of the mucosa.

– The virus settles in the nasal mucosa and begins to multiply. Scientific research has yet to give an official explanation for why the smell is lost. It is possible that the virus has some receptors that bind to that part of the mucosa and destroy that olfactory epithelium. It’s also possible that the virus binds to the olfactory nerves and changes their function there, he noted, adding that it is interesting that scientific research has shown, and there have been cases in practice, that patients who are lighter after illness may have memory loss problems. and confuses with feeling.


Goran Stevanović, director of the KCS Infectious Diseases Clinic, recently noted that kovid 19 is a disease that has symptoms similar to many infections, and that loss of smell and taste is one of the most reliable indicators.

– It is a disease that presents symptoms similar to all infections. Aside from the loss of the sense of smell and taste, there are no reliable indicators of the disease, Stevanović said.

Prof. Dr. Dušan Milisavljević, director of the ENT clinic in Niš, told Kurir that many viral and bacterial infections can lead to loss of the sense of smell.

– However, some research shows that in the case of the coronavirus, the loss of the sense of smell can last longer. It has also been noted that patients report that, when the sense of taste returns, they do not smell vanilla, vinegar, perfume … that their milk smells of gasoline … And with the sense of taste, if they eat chili, they have the sensation that they are eating something sweet. This means that there is a pathologically altered sense of smell and taste.

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