The crown does not choose age! A large increase in the number of seriously ill people at VMC Karaburma


PATIENTS FROM 21 TO 91: Corona doesn't choose age!  A large increase in the number of seriously ill people at VMC Karaburma

Photo: Instagram Printscreen / The future of Serbia

Tonight, Dr. Ivo Udovicic of the VMC “Karaburma” warned about an increase in seriously ill patients with coronavirus treated in that military health institution and specified that they are patients of all ages: the youngest is 21 years old and the oldest 91.

“When you go through the city you see that people do not take the epidemic seriously to think that it is happening to someone who is far away. They forget that two months ago we went through what the region is going through today, ”Udovicic told Tanjug.

According to Dr. Udovicic, there are currently 40 patients at Karaburma Hospital, eight of whom are in the intensive care unit.

“These are the most difficult patients, whose lives are in danger, for whom we fight every minute for 24 hours. The others also have severe pneumonia and all are candidates for intensive care if their condition does not improve, ”he said.

As Udovicic says, there are mostly older patients in the intensive care unit, which, he adds, means that they remain the most threatened.

Six days ago there were six or seven patients in the hospital, but in the last ten days their number began to grow, only yesterday 10 new ones were admitted to the hospital, and they are all patients with severe bilateral pneumonia, Udovicic said.

The doctor warned that they expect a large influx of patients in the hospital, watching the movement of the epidemic.

We are ready to accept a large number of patients, our hospital has 135 intensive care beds with 15 beds, with the possibility of expansion, said Udovicic.

The climatic conditions do not favor us because they contribute to the transmission of the virus, the situation is much more complex than it was just two weeks ago, said the VMC doctor.

“Only one month if they comply with the prescribed measures would be the end of the epidemic and they would end the crown, because they would break the chain,” said Udovicic, adding that wearing a mask, keeping your distance and washing your hands is 95% protection against the corona virus.


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