The crown can leave serious changes in the lungs. It is POSTKOVID FIBROSIS


KCS PULMONOLOGY CLINIC DIRECTOR: Corona can leave serious changes in the lungs ES FIBROSIS POSTKOVID

Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock

BELGRADE – Director of the KCS Pneumology Clinic prof. Violeta Vučinić Mihailović says that patients who underwent covid 19 in the first and second waves and who have severe changes in the lungs, post-covid fibrosis, go to that health institution.

She told Tanjug that a 35- to 40-year-old, who has severe, diffuse changes in his lungs and low oxygen in his blood, is waiting to be admitted to the hospital.

“It is a postcovid fibrosis. The patient is negative for the coronavirus, he brought negative serology. He is in respiratory danger, with a saturation of 83, which is an inappropriate saturation for his age and serious changes in the lungs,” he said.

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He states that the patient had kovid three or four months ago and that he was not on a respirator, that he had a milder clinical picture.

“It is a post-covid fibrosis that we seem to be struggling with for a long time,” he said, adding that all the capacities in the clinic are full: 175 beds in the ward and 14 intensive care beds, because they attend to all patients of pulmonology and those who have centers now treated and clinically hospital that are now in the kovid system.

Vucinic Mihailovic claims that in the third wave, the virus spreads very quickly and affects all ages, from young to old.

“The clinical picture is quite difficult, what we can see by the number of patients on a ventilator, which is in double digits every day,” he concluded.


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