THE CRISIS STAFF SESSION BEGINS Some to ease the measures, others say “NO OPPORTUNITY”, and this is what is on the table


The crisis staff session began shortly after 8 am this morning, and as it could be heard in public, the liberalization of existing measures will be discussed. When it comes down to it, the medical and financial side of crisis personnel is at different poles.

The previous restrictive measures, which were originally valid until December 15, expire today, and the Minister of Labor and crisis staff member Darija Kisić Tepavčević announced that in today’s session it will be considered whether additional measures will be introduced or existing ones will change.

– The sessions (of the Crisis Staff, prim, nov,) are not pleasant at all. Some maintain custody, others health. The medical aspect is completely different from the political one, and I don’t see that it is possible to be different at all. It is a natural position. Next: We will see – Dr. Predrag Kon said yesterday, commenting on today’s meeting of the Staff and the possible measures to be adopted.

The discussion about the potential liberalization of certain measures is in the public eye, especially due to the fact that this Friday is the deadline set to limit restoration work and most commercial facilities at 5:00 p.m. hours, and weekends are totally prohibited.

Dr. Conn: No way

However, in the days after us, we were able to hear different opinions on this from within the same crisis personnel. Thus, when commenting on the possible relaxation of the measures for the weekend, the epidemiologist Kon had an unequivocal answer.

– I think they are good wishes and intentions, but I don’t think there is any possibility. It is not easy to communicate this and everyone feels the weight of every word that is spoken. That curve should narrow enough to talk about easing the measures, Kon said briefly two days ago, adding:

“The medical part of the Crisis Staff is more restrictive and that is normal. We, from the position of doctor, cannot deal with financial matters and we cannot agree that it is more important than saving lives.”

Dr. Predrag Kon

Photo: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Dr. Predrag Kon

Dr. Janković: There is no justification for relaxing the measures

His colleague on crisis staff, immunologist Srdja Jankovic, had a similar response. He says that, as a medical member of the staff, he can speak on behalf of his colleagues, and notes that “relaxation could not be on the table today”, because the current situation does not allow or justify it. He says that he would not prejudge the new measures, and would not speak of the old ones, except that they must be respected.

He points out that, as a citizen and expert, he assures that it is not the time to meet, and that his glory, Saint Nicholas, will spend in the closest circle of the family, because it is Christian to take care of one’s own health and that of others.

– We must understand that sometimes there are problems that require a collective and individual resignation to alleviate the problem. If, instead of a pandemic, that problem were a fire, we would see more solidarity, but why are we less supportive when it comes to a pandemic, that is a matter of analysis? Says Dr. Janković as a guest on TV Pink.

Economics for easing measures

On the other hand, in the economic part of Crisis Staff, it can be heard more and more that the state treasury still wants the measures related mainly to small entrepreneurs to be relaxed.

The announcement of a possible mitigation of the measures was announced this week by Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, who said that, for example, the possibility of infection in hair salons is very small, but the final decision will still be made by crisis personnel.

Crisis headquarters

Photo: Zoran Žestić / Tanjug

Crisis headquarters

– Personally, I am totally against the ban on moving and closing shops and craft workshops on weekends, because these citizens have to earn money and feed their children. In Crisis Staff, I talked about whether we should leave open places where there is not such a high risk of contagion, like small hairdressing salons where the hairdresser and the client wear a mask – Ana Brnabić said yesterday.

Brnabic stated that the ban will be introduced if necessary, but noted that he believes in the responsibility of the individual.

– If the numbers keep going down, and that depends on each one of us, I think we can let those people work at least on weekends until 2 pm, 3 pm – he said the day before yesterday.

It is not excluded that some others obtain permits to work on Saturdays and Sundays, such as smaller stores, or that the working hours are extended during the working week, which is now until 5 in the afternoon.

Chadez: The next two weekends are crucial

The president of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Marko Čadež, agrees with her.

– An investigation by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce shows that corona infestation does not occur in retail facilities, because the measures are respected there, so I ask epidemiologists to better understand where the infection occurs and consider possible relief for measures that are not so risky. Chadez said yesterday.

He said infections are more common at celebrations and large gatherings.

Chadez pointed out that the next two weekends are very important in the business of many companies, especially those that deal with sales, because some of them generate income in these two weeks as in all the other two months of the year.

According to him, since the introduction of measures to close some commercial facilities at 5 in the afternoon and close them during the weekend, there has been a decrease in income in all areas except food.

Most importantly, in this session there should be no discussion about the measures for the New Year and Christmas, because it is too early, but also for other reasons.

New Year’s measures will be taken later.

As Prime Minister Ana Brnbić stated, with the adoption of measures for the holidays, it will be expected that citizens cannot find “reservation forms” to evade the measures.

Speaking about the New Years crown parties, which are largely planned, epidemiologist Predrag Kon said that there is only one solution for that.

As he pointed out, what can get in the way is “the curfew, which is hard to accept.”

Inche, in some media last night it was heard that the working hours of cafes, restaurants and shopping centers, which are currently limited to business days from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., will be extended until 11 p.m. in those places where it is not has declared an emergency. In addition, those are the places where an emergency situation has been declared before the measures are relaxed, so that cafes, restaurants and shopping centers would operate until 9:00 p.m. However, such accusations are not true, our sources confirmed.
